Page 4 - Newsletter May 20172
P. 4

Tribute to Our Nursing Staff

     Hearts of Gold By:  Sherry York

     There are times in our lives when we sit down and wonder where our lives will lead us.
     Sometimes we get so caught up in our jobs that we forget what we truly represent.
     We get frustrated, aggravated, pushed to the limits and so mentally tired that we feel “what is the use in being a Nurse?”

     But then someone gives us a weak smile or holds our hand and may say “thank you, you are so special.”
     Then we feel the warmth growing in our hearts.

     All the bad feelings disappear, replaced by the core values that we represent:  human dignity, compassion, dedication, integrity, stewardship,
     leadership and excellence.

     So when the bad feelings begin to show take the time to say one of these prayers:
          A Nurse’s Prayer:  Unknown Author                                  Place Your Healing Touch in My Hands

           Lord, help me to bring                                            Help me as I care for my patients today,
           Comfort where there is pain.                                      Be there with me, O Lord, I pray
           Courage where there is despair.                                   Make my words kind  --it means so much--

           Acceptance when the end is near.                                  And in my hands place Your healing touch
                                                                             Let your love shine through all that I do,
           A touch gentle with tenderness, patience, and love.
                                                                             So those in need may hear and feel You
           And, always remember, all Nurses are truly blessed.
           For you see --- God gave you Hearts of Gold.

        Everything You Do - Poem to our nursing staff - from Tina Coleman

        I appreciate everything that you do,
        for your strength, empathy, compassion and loving heart, too.
        For every hand you’ve held, every tear wiped away, every kind word and deed
        You made a difference, for you were there, and you helped a soul in need       May God continue to  bless you
        You offer so much, a heart dedicated and kind,                                             and the work you do.
        a desire to help others, with skilled knowledge filling your beautiful mind.
        Your qualities combined, are extremely rare,                                                                 Tina
        waking each morning to do God’s work with genuine passion and care
        Everything you do, I respect and praise,
        you’re such wonderful nurses, you always amaze.
        Wishing to say “thank you” from deep in my heart,
        for the mission of  home health nursing is truly an art.
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