Page 16 - Celtic Beasts Sampler
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the  emergence  of  the  human  race.  So,  they  may  literally be our

          pro-human relatives.

                As  human  history  unfolded.  shamans  and  other  mediums  between

          this  world and the spirit world may have realised that certain animals

          appeared consistently to be associated with specific aspects of life.  Thus,

          did  pigs  begin  to  be  connected  with  the  Underworld  and  salmon  and

          eels  with  Wisdom.    This  may  be  why  certain  animals  wore  divined  at

          first    and    then    later  came  to  be  associated  with  specific  divinities.
          Sometimes.  through  the  language  of  Christian  iconographic  symbolism

          the    divinized    animal    reappeared  after  having  shapeshifted  into  the

          constant companion and/or the metaphoric symbol of the saint.  This is

          how  St. Anthony  the Abbot acquired his pig companion and became

          patron of gravediggers.

                 To  give  a  more  extended   example  tenth-century  Byzantine
          missionaries working in the Kiev area blended the fourth century bishop

          and martyr, at,  Blaise (Vlasios) of Sebaste, with the ancient god Volos.

          who had been worshipped there both as lord of wild animals (especially

          bears),  cattle,  and  wealth  and  as a guardian of the entrance to the

          Underworld.  As  part  of  this syncretism,, they incorporated into the

          legend of “St.  Vlas” an episode where he hid in a cave and became a
          protector of the forest animals.  When devotion to Blaise was carried to

          Europe, he was also blended with the Celtic deity Cernunnos - likewise a

          lord of the  forest animals  and guardian  of the  entrance to  the  Under-

          world.    The    chthonic    function    of  these  old  gods  was  blended  into

          Christian experience when chapels to Blaise were erected in places which

          had    previously  been  considered  entrances  to  the  Underworld  by  the
          earlier Celtic inhabitants.  To further stress the point. the feast of Blaise

          was  linked  with  those of St. Brigid and Candlemas. which. in Rome.

          absorbed the old pagan festival of Lupercalia - with Bt.  Brigid, our Lady

          of Candlemas. and St. Blaise replacing Proserpina / Persephone, Ceres /

          Demeter. and Pluto / Hades.  Then this triduum of feasts absorbed the

          ancient  Celtic  festival  of  Imbolc  another  celebration  of  Spring's  return

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