Page 18 - Celtic Beasts Sampler
P. 18

from the Underworld.  In old representations, both Eastern and Western,

          St. Blaise was still sometimes shown accompanied by his animals as well

          an holding the candles which connect him with Imbolc.  There is another

          tale of St. Blaise, in which he orders a wolf to return a stolen pig to the

          woman  from  whom the wolf stole it.  The Breton word "Blez"  means
          “wolf”, and the pig represents the Underworld.  It is possible that the

          wolf stealing the pig represents Hades stealing Persephone, who. like the

          pig returned to the "woman", in eventually returned to her mother De-

          meter.  Finally, of course, the Old English word "Blaze" means "to burn

          brightly," which relates it to the root meaning of Shaman.

          Our departed Ancestors have proceeded us into the otherworld, as have

          our Shamanic forbears, the old divinities, and the saints an well.  They

          live on in memory and in eternity. what has remained constant from age

          to age in Mother Earth and her wide variety of non-human inhabitants.

          If. through artistic symbolism. the goddess Artemis and the god Cernun-

          nos could continue to be identified because of their stag companions. so
          could Sts. Cadoc, Teilo, Hurbert, Eustace and many others who followed.

          Since their stags are never named. we are allowed to wonder whether

          they  might  not  be  the  same  stag  reappearing  again  and  again.  whose

          true home is the Shamanic Otherworld. if we can come to understand

          this  otherworld  stag  better.  we  might  be  better  able  to  appreciate  the

          splendour of a living stag.  Glancing through a Celtic lens we might begin

          to gain deeper insight into all kinds of beasts.  This book in intended to
          be such a lens.

          Feast of St. Patrick

          March 17. 1998

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