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2     ROOM ADVANTAGE                                                                                                                                                                                   ROOM  ADVANTAGE         3

           How Room Advantage Can Transform Your Hotel                                                                          How Room Advantage Benefits Each Department of the Hotel

                  Thank  you for considering Room Advantage  for your hotel.   Room Advantage  is a
                  software designed by hotel owners, for hotel owners. Room Advantage is an exciting
                  cloud based application that will transform the way hotels operate.

                    Breaks down communication                           Increases staff productivity

                                                                        Staff can watch training videos
                     With the ability for employees                     created just for them and their
                    to see which staff members                          department. This gives them
                    are working and send them a                         around the clock support and
                    message at anytime, staying in                      allows the staff members to feel
                    contact has never been easier.                      confident that their tasks are done

                    Improves the hotel guest                            Save money and increases profits
                                                                        This cloud-based system
                    Staff can quickly relay guests needs                eliminates the need for paper
                    to other departments quickly                        in housekeeping, reducing
                    and easy. If a guest in Room 302                    your hotel’s carbon footprint.
                    needs towels, the front desk can                    Reports help you track your staff
                    send a message to housekeeping                      productivity, helping management
                    ensuring their request is met.                      schedule staff more efficiently.
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