Page 5 - Hoërskool Monument High
P. 5

The teachers working conditions are set in such a way so that

               effective teaching and learning will take place in the

               classroom. The teacher working load is manageable and

               the classrooms are not too big, allowing attention to be

               given to all learners. School has enough resources for all

               learners and learners are able to go home and complete

               there homework.

          The school understands that learning goes beyond the

               classroom and learners are encourages to do extra

               curricular activities that allow them to develop skills

               outside of the classroom and learn knowledge outside of

               the classroom, these include various sports and cultural


          Parents and community is a big part of this school and there

               are regular community events and help being done. The

               parents are informed on social media and regular updates

               are also sent to them about the academical and other

               development of their children.
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