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Groton Daily Independent
Sunday, Oct, 1, 2017 ~ Vol. 25 - No. 084 ~ 1 of 43
1- Recycling trailers
1-Kristi Peterson Bookkeeping Ad
2- Chicken Soup for the Soul
3- Groton Care & Rehap Help Wanted 3- Groton Area Help Wanted
3- Thinking About Health Column
5- Rev. Snyder’s Column
6- Farmers Union PSA
7- Sen. Thune’s Weekly Column
8- Rep. Noem’s Weekly Column
9- Today in Weather History
10- Today’s Forecast
11- Yesterday’s Weather
11- Today’s Weather Info
11- National Weather Map
12- Daily Devotional
13- News from the Associated Press
Of cial Notices
Brown County (updated 8-31) Frederick Area School (updated 8-29) Groton City (updated 8-29)
Groton Area School (updated 8-29) Westport Town (updated 8-21-17) Other Notices (updated 8-21) Frederick Town (Updated 8-15) Groton Area School (updated 8-7) Claremont Town Of cial Notices Book
Open: Recycling Trailer in Groton The recycling trailer is located at 10 East Rail-
road Ave.
The cardboard/paper
recycling trailer at the school is Open © 2017 Groton Daily Independent
Emmanuel Lutheran: Worship at 9 a.m.; Sunday School at 10 a.m.
United Methodist Church: Conde worship, 9 a.m.; coffee fellowship time, 10 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Groton worship, 11 a.m.
Catholic Parish: Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church at 9 a.m., then at St. Joseph in Tur- ton at 11 a.m.
First Presbyterian: Bible Study at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 11 a.m.
Groton Christian & Missionary Alliance: Sun- day School for children, youth and adults, 9:15 a.m.; Worship at 10:45 a.m.
St. John’s Lutheran: Worship with communion at 9 a.m., Sunday School at 10 a.m.
Buffalo Lake Lutheran Church, rural Eden. Worship at 10:30 a.m. Paul Kosel minister
Kristi Peterson Bookkeeping
Simple Solutions for YOU 605/216-4474 ~ peterson4@nvc.net

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