Page 2 - Heartbridge Healing Home General Update -- December 2017
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Brent was admitted to Heartbridge Healing Home in June 2016 as a tiny newborn. Born with
<Program Name> News
heart defects and a wrist deformity, he was a perfect candidate for the “nanny magic” that our
China staff perform each and every day. His friendly personality and cute smile quickly earned
him the nickname “Mr. Adorable”. It was soon apparent that he was not only cute, but also
quite bright. He rapidly learned that he could use his charm and endearing smile (or
conversely, his pouting lip) to get what he wanted from his nanny and anyone else in his
range. He was also full of energy and wiggles, earning him a second nickname “Smart
Monkey” from the China staff. In August, Brent underwent surgery on his arm to give him more
function and on October 16 , he graduated into Love Without Boundaries’ foster care. We wish
him the best and know that he’ll thrive where he can run, wiggle, and jump to his heart’s
One year old Kimberly was admitted into Heartbridge Healing Home on October 23 after she
had her cleft lip repaired. She quickly settled in and charmed the staff with her sunny
disposition and cute smiles. But, surprise! After
just three weeks at Heartbridge, Kimberly’s
orphanage informed us that she had been
chosen for domestic adoption, and so this
little cutie
graduated in order
to join her new
family. I think that
was probably the
turnaround ever at
Heartbridge, but
we’re so happy for
her. Best wishes
in your new life,