Page 22 - TheBridge_Vol16
P. 22


                                                 David B. Orten

        There was a time before all of this, I am sure        and  beautiful,  covered  from  floor  to  ceiling
        of it.                                                with Power Rangers posters, must have been
                                                              painted over years ago; their now-gray surface
        A time when the reds were red, and the                peels and cracks in random places. I can almost
        blues were blue. A time of vibrancy, before           see the blue behind them, can almost identify
        everything drowned in hues of gray. There             where pictures had hung and poorly-drawn
        was a  time  when  your  smile  warmed  the           stick figures were scrawled, where a part of my
        air around you, a time before I wanted to             almost happy childhood was spent.
        punch your teeth in.
                                                              I try to let these images fade from my mind
        There was a time when you held me, a tiny,            like passing thunder clouds, think to myself
        wide-eyed baby, vulnerable yet attentive in           that somewhere behind all that gray is a
        your soft, loving arms. I don’t remember              vibrant, blue sky full of all that hope and life
        the way the sun glowed off of your beautiful          that I remember.
        blonde hair, but I am sure that it must have.
        I don’t recall the soft kisses you left on my         I should tell you now that despite it all, I
        forehead but I am sure they, too, were there.         still love you. I know that you tried—that, in
        If I try hard enough I can almost feel their          your own twisted way, you are still trying.
        warmth on my face, slowly burning away                So I do love you.
        into the ether.
                                                              At first, I don’t think too much about the
        Walking up the stairs of your house, I remember       overflowing bathtub I see as I walk through
        when I was only a child, running up the same          the bathroom. Perhaps one of the kids
        steps after school with boyish anticipation,          turned it on while playing—surely, you
        eager to show you all the work I had done             would not have forgotten about it.
        during that school day. I don’t remember your
        reaction to my proud work, but I am sure that         The water trickles through cracks in the
        it must have been one of adoration and smiles,        floor,  finding  rotted  pits  between  the  tiles
        the kind of thing you see in the movies. Perhaps      to take refuge in. Over time it will further
        you remember, Mom?                                    the home’s decay, rot it from the inside
                                                              out, make it crumble on top its aging
        The house is nothing like I remember. The             foundations.  Looking  into  the  overfilled
        liveliness, the warmth, the distinct air of           tub, I see myself reflected in the irregular
        belonging that hallmarks one’s home has               rippling of the bathwater.
        vanished, stolen from my childhood home
        by time and the unfair decay of innocence—            I  recognize  the  reflection  at  first,  but  with
        much like you were. The walls,  once blue             each tiny wave I see my face changing, skin

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