Page 24 - TheBridge_Vol16
P. 24

He is pacing around the room, his lips spitting       Beside me, the Child picks up his camera
        silent words.                                         and looks, dumbfounded, at his mother.
                                                              She laughs and embraces him. She is still
        “What is it?” I think to myself.                      beautiful.

        The Teenager stops pacing and drops his               The Teenager reaches for the man, but my
        hands to his sides. For the first time I see          mother stops him. She looks at the Teen—
        his eyes. I think—I know—I see tears in               at me—for a moment with disgust. Or is it
        them. He rubs them dry with his forearm,              confusion? Do you recognize me?
        refusing to let tears fall from his face. The
        Teen turns his head to the open doorway               She  raises  a  shaking  finger  and  points  to
        and raises clenched fists.                            the door behind me. The Teen stares at his
                                                              mother, puzzled. He whispers something.
        To  my side, the Child raises his eyes  from          I know what happens next.
        the camera, awestruck. He puts it down and
        opens his arms. His mother, years older now           Her  brow  furrows  as  she  screams, liquor-
        but still vibrant, meets his embrace.                 stenched spit spewing from her cracked lips.
                                                              Her  finger  shakes  as  she  motions  again  to
        I look ahead and see a woman approaching              the door. The Teenager shakes his head. She
        the Teenager. For thirty-nine years old my            raises her hand high into the air, obscuring
        mother looks ancient. Dark bags hang from             light from  the room’s  only bulb. It casts a
        her hollowed eyes. Thick wrinkles run across          shadow across her son’s face. Her hand blurs
        her thin face and arms like misshapen spider-         in a downward rush.
        webs. Is this really you, Mother?
                                                              I open my eyes. The room is still dark. Long
        She drops a half-empty beer can to the floor          shadows stretch across the tattered carpet in
        and turns to  the  man approaching  from              the fading daylight. Soon the sun will set and
        behind her. The Teenager doesn’t know the             the room will be left silent in the night.
        man’s name.
                                                              I shake my head in disbelief.
        I still don’t know your fucking name.
                                                              I’m really home again.
        The Baby wipes tears of laughter from his
        eyes. His mother, young and full of life, ceases
        her tickling onslaught. She looks at him for a
        moment, her face bright and responsive, and
        mouths the word “boop” as she pokes his nose.
        The baby shrieks with high-pitched laughter.

        The Teen lunges forward, propelled by the
        unfamiliar hormones pulsing through his blood.
        He screams expletives through gritted teeth.
        The man behind his mother screams back, veins
        bulging out beneath yellow waxen skin.

        12 | The Bridge                                                                                                                                                                                                Vol. XVI | 13
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