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London UK 28th April 2018. Pictures of Winnie Mandela are projected on to the windows at South Africa house following her death
        (Photo Credit: amer ghazzal/Alamy Stock Photo).
        imprisoned, tortured, and separated   research, as historian Jacob Dlamini   struggle, that historians continue
        from her family. The revolution—and   shows in his 2015 Askari: A Story of   to struggle to understand, using the
        especially the security police’s exten-  Collaboration and Betrayal in the Anti-  tools of social history.
        sive counterrevolution—also made her   Apartheid Struggle. But the presence
        paranoid. After the Soweto protests   of informers led accusations and coun-
        in 1976, the South African police and   ter-accusations of spying to proliferate,
        military infiltrated the liberation move-  with Madikizela-Mandela stalwart
        ment with a network of spies. Often   in her calls for ANC loyalists to root
        these spies were former revolutionaries,   out spies.
        “turned” through torture. Others had   At the end of our discussions about
        their own political or personal reasons   Madikizela-Mandela, it is impossible
        for informing on activists, including   for students to see the anti-apartheid
        police paychecks. The spy program   movement as a straightforward story
        was not publicly known until the TRC   of heroism. It looks more like an    Meghan Healy-Clancy is Assistant Professor
        and subsequent investigations—and in   epic of complexity—a very human   in the Department of History.
        fact it remains a challenging subject to

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