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Metal Wheel Concept (iStock photo Photo credit: EtiAmmos).

        disturbing pattern of discrimination in   as “a strategic business decision to not   In short: Johns Hopkins Hospital has
        the number of interview callback rates.   overlook the best talent—even if that   demonstrated to the business commu-
        Specifically, applicants without crimi-  means hiring someone who needs a sec-  nity that it is possible (and even profit-
        nal records received 61 percent more   ond chance.” Moreover, Hopkins’ hir-  able) to engage ex-offenders as impor-
        callbacks than applicants with criminal   ing efforts have achieved fairly impres-  tant human capital assets. If BTB policy
        records. The employment landscape for   sive results. Of the approximately 500   had been available to the two confer-
        ex-offenders appears rather grim.   ex-offenders it hired over the past five   ence attendees, they might not have
                                           years, all have shown higher retention   gone without employment for so long.
        However, there are good reasons to
        be hopeful. Following the Baltimore   rates than non-offenders for their first   Both men have gained meaningful
        riots in 2015, The Washington Post notes   40 months of employment. This repre-  employment (one was even admitted to
        that Johns Hopkins Hospital made a   sents a tremendous business opportu-  a top MBA graduate program), but only
        concerted effort to hire 174 people with   nity, considering hospital staff turnover   after relocating to two different Ban
        criminal backgrounds, referring to it   rates hovered around 17.1 percent   the Box states. And to think, there are
                                           nationally in 2015.                 thousands of people across the United
                                                                               States living without access to any BTB
                                                                               protections. For their sake, we must
             America’s prison and jail                                         continue the push for BTB nation-
                                                                               ally, so that Ban the Box means second
             populations have increased from                                   chances for all!

             300,000 people in 1970 to 2.2

             million in 2012… the United

             States “now accounts for less

             than 5 percent of the world’s

             population…but 25 percent of

             its incarcerated inhabitants.”                                    Jakari Griffith is Assistant Professor in the
                                                                               Department of Management.

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