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Something Solid to Rest Upon:                                         of another kind. Keenly aware of the
                                                                              vagaries of an ever-changing world, he
        Abraham Lincoln’s Interest                                            confronted the painful ambiguity of life
                                                                              and death by seeking solace in the laws
        in Science                                                            of physical science.
                                                                              Lincoln’s interest in science and math-
        William F. Hanna                                                      ematics began in 1833, when he took
                                                                              a surveying job in Illinois. Wayne C.
                  s darkness fell on a warm summer evening                    Temple writes that the twenty-four-
                  in August 1864, Dr. Joseph Henry, the                       year old Lincoln mastered enough
        A Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution,                           geometry and trigonometry to earn
                                                                              a reputation as a competent surveyor.
        stood in the tower of a building on the grounds of                    William H. Herndon was Lincoln’s
        the Old Soldiers’ Home, located three miles northwest                 longtime law partner, and his volumi-
                                                                              nous correspondence has been col-
        of the U.S. Capitol. Called by one historian the                      lected and edited by Douglas L. Wilson
        greatest American scientist since Benjamin Franklin,                  and Rodney O. Davis. Their research
        Henry was a physicist by training. His work on                        presents a letter in which Herndon
                                                                              remembered that during the same
        electromagnetism in the 1840s helped lay the                          period that Lincoln mastered survey-
        groundwork for the first practical telegraph.                         ing, he also studied natural philoso-
                                                                              phy, astronomy and chemistry. “His
        Standing nearby was President                                         mind,” wrote Herndon, “required and
        Abraham Lincoln, whose summer                                         lived in facts, figures and principles.”
        cottage was located adjacent to the                                   Although generally a patient man, said
        Old Soldiers’ Home. The two men                                       Herndon, his partner hated abstraction.
        were together to witness an ultimately                                “If you wished to be cut off at the knees
        successful experiment in which Morse                                  just go at Lincoln with … glittering
        code signals would be flashed by lan-                                 generalities.”
        tern light from the Soldiers’ Home with                               In addition to the demands of fron-
        the hope of receiving an answer from a                                tier surveying, Lincoln also put his
        signalman placed across the city in the                               accumulating knowledge of scientific
        tower of the Smithsonian Institution.                                 principles to another, deeply personal,
        As the Civil War dragged into its fourth                              use. As a young man, Lincoln was an
        year, Lincoln and his generals looked                                 outspoken religious skeptic. It was
        for any advantage that might bring the                                during this period, wrote his friend
        bloodletting to a speedier conclusion,                                James Matheny, that Lincoln, “at least
        and they hoped that improvements in                                   bordered on absolute atheism.” He was
        communication would help.
                                                                              “enthusiastic in his infidelity,” and he
        Over the previous three years the sci-                                used science to argue against scriptural
        entist and the president had developed a                              revelation. His was “the language
        highly successful working relationship,   President Abraham Lincoln, November 1863   of respect,” wrote Matheny, “yet it
        based in large part upon Lincoln’s life-  (Photo credit: Alexander Gardner).  was from the point of ridicule—[but]
        long fascination with scientific prin-  his ability to read, write and perform   not scoff.”
        ciples and their practical application.   simple arithmetic, Lincoln admitted   In 1834 Lincoln was elected to the
        Unlike Dr. Henry, the president’s mea-  that whatever education he gained   Illinois legislature for the first of four
        ger formal education had come through   afterward had come informally and as   terms, and two years later was admit-
        brief sporadic attendance in frontier   required during his rise to professional   ted to the state’s bar. After moving
        “blab schools.” In an autobiographi-  and political success. “The pressure   to Springfield in 1837 he became
        cal sketch written during his 1860   of necessity,” he called it. And yet, as   a familiar figure within legal and
        presidential campaign, he noted that he   Lincoln matured, he also felt pressure   political circles. As a loyal member
        went to school only “by littles.” Beyond

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