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Figure 2: Diviner by Paul Stopforth (Photo Credit: Jay Block).

        classical mythology, the flute is most   positions, and many poets have con-  worked surface and complex symbolic
        strongly associated with Pan’s pining   nected the holes in the instrument to   allusions, Alchemist feels light and airy,
        for the nymph Syrinx, whom the Gods   the sorrows of the human heart. It is   suspended above the weight of human
        turned into reeds to save her from his   through suffering that the heart is made  intransigence.
        lustful pursuit. Despondent Pan binds   hollow; yet it is only through such   Next to Alchemist in the Moakley audi-
        some reeds together and blows through   hollowness that it can be transformed   torium is Diviner (fig. 2).
        them in order to hear Syrinx’s voice   into a flute, an instrument for the God
        again. But the most important allusion   of love to play upon. Throughout   Made on an unusual cut-out birch
        is to the Hindu God Krishna, whose   Alchemist’s stippled ground are red out-  wood support, the crouching figure
        flute playing can erase separateness   lines of lotus blossoms, another symbol   seems at once grounded and weight-
        and generate unconditional love. In   of transformation, one of Buddhism’s   lessly suspended in the palms of the
        classical Indian dance, there are a series   central allusions to the progress of the   four wing-like hands around him.
        of mudras that delineate flute-playing   soul. Despite the giant hands, minutely   His stretched out right hand reiterates
                                                                              the axis of larger hands and is poised
                                                                              in the position of a diviner whether
                                                                              casting sacred nuts or bones, reading
            His spiritual and intellectual                                    animal tracks on the ground, record-

            explorations of a wide variety of                                 ing results of mystical numerology, or
                                                                              consulting an ancient text. It is also
            world cultures have encoded                                       the hand gesture of the painter. Both
                                                                              professions can diagnose afflictions,
            a truly global perspective into                                   decode seemingly random patterns,
                                                                              serve as repositories of memory and
            his work.                                                         wisdom, and bring insight into the
                                                                              human condition.

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