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Bridgewater State University women graduating. (Photo Credit: Tim Llewellyn).
go away from my school. So, that to ensure that victims feel that they can educator, noted that her organization
type of victim-centered justice is report and that the process is there.” provides workshops aimed at “changing
something that my organization Empowering students with the infor- campus culture.” Other activists stated
feels very strongly about.” mation they need to take advantage of that Title IX is a limited tool in work-
their rights under Title IX was a thread ing toward a more important goal—
Other activists also talked about the
importance of protecting survivors that ran through the interviews at all that of systemic cultural change. Bev,
against retaliation. As Megan, also a levels of activist organizations. “One an outreach educator, states:
staff attorney, notes: of our main goals…is really inform- “Title IX most often deals with
ing students about the rights that they
“Two of our really big concerns have…as much as anyone can try make an act of sexual violence or acts of
right now…one has to do with schools more compliant…I think sexual violence that have hap-
retaliation and making sure that ultimately empowering students is one pened against a person. It doesn’t
survivors are better protected both of the things we strive for,” says Alicia. deal with the kind of systemic and
from retaliation by the original Chelsea, an outreach educator, noted institutional macro aggression
offender but also third parties, so that her organization is interested in that also creates a hostile envi-
their associates, and then the other informing students about resources: ronment… A college campus is a
thing is ensuring that accommoda- “for me what I am most concerned microcosm of the larger society.
tions are put into place...” about is what resources are available on We’re not going to end sexual
violence in our society until we
The second goal we identified was the campus and those outside. And are they look at the root causes of why
need to empower students on campuses fully aware of what the options are?” sexual violence occurs… And for
with education about sexual assault The third goal identified in our inter- me it’s just so much bigger than a
prevention and response. When talking views was that of activists discussing federal policy.”
about the relationship with campuses, the need to tackle the roots of sexual
Shannon, a policy trainer, states, “a lot violence in our culture more broadly Indeed, several activists identified
of what I talk to them about is how are (and the limitations of Title IX in get- the ability to effect cultural change
you structuring your campus systems ting at this problem). Kate, an outreach as a limit to Title IX and its related
November 2018 17