Page 3 - Orientation Exploratory Studies Booklet
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Dear Student:
Welcome to East Stroudsburg University (ESU) and thank you for attending this orientation. If
you are an undeclared first-time freshman or transfer student, the University College will be
your academic home away from home.
The University College is designed to provide consistent, high-quality and appropriate academic
advising, mentoring, and coaching to ensure your academic and personal success. We believe
that if students take full advantage of all the support services available and take responsibility
for their own achievements, no student should earn any grade below a B. It is up to you to take
advantage of advising, academic coaching, mentoring and tutoring services as soon and as
often as you need them.
At Orientation, you will be assigned an academic advisor or an academic success coach to guide
you to your destination - Graduation. Your assigned advisor or academic success coach will be
available to you on a daily basis or as often as you need. You will be required to see them to
discuss your academic needs, concerns, and goals. In addition, your advisor will be asking your
professors for progress reports during your first eight weeks of classes. Our goal is for you to
be successful and we will do all that we can to ensure that you are successful, but you must do
your part as well.
We look forward to supporting your academic and personal success at East Stroudsburg
Dr. J. Truschel, Ed.D., Psy.D.
Academic Enrichment and Learning, Department Chair
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