Page 27 - Timberin - katalogas 2017
P. 27


             DIAMETER                          WOODEN PENNELING                            ROOF COLOUR                              DOOR

                                                  SPRUCE: Siberian spruce is a perfect
            1900                                  selection for most climates. Light shade.    BLACK                             WOODEN
                                                  LARCH: Larch is very resistant to insects
            2200   Only for Barrel sauna.         and decay. Grainy texture. Light shade.      BROWN                             GLASS
                                                  THERMOWOOD: Thermowood is processed
                                                  under high temperatures to seal wood pores.
                                                  Extremely resistant to decay and deformation.   GREEN
                                                  Dark shade.
                ASSEMBLY                                                                                                             ACCESORIES

                 FULLY ASSEMBLED:                                                          SHOWER ROOF                            HARVIA SAUNA SET
                 Delivered fully assembled.          FLOOR PLAN
                                                                                                                                  HALF PANORAMIC WINDOW:
                 ASSEMBLY KIT:                    CANOPY: A terrace at the front of the                                           Enjoy the surroundings through a half
                 Delivered flat-packed            sauna with benches on both sides.            OPEN                               panoramic window, installed at the back
                 for DIY assembly.                                                                                                of the sauna.
                                                  DRESSING ROOM: A convenient space for                                           FULL PANORAMIC WINDOW:
                                                  changing before entering or exiting the      SHINGLE COVERED                    Enjoy the surroundings through a full
                                                  sauna. Recommended minimum length – 1m.
                                                                                                                                  panoramic window, installed at the back
                                                                                                                                  of the sauna.
                                                  SAUNA ROOM: A sauna room with long
                                                  benches on both sides. Choose the length                                        LED LIGHTS: LED lights are installed
                   LENGHT                         that suits your needs best – from 2m to 5m!                                     under the benches in the sauna room.
                                                                                                                                  WATER TANK: A water tank is installed on
                    2000    3000                                                           SHOWER DOOR                            top of a wood-burning oven to create a
                     mm     mm                                                                                                    steam effect.
                    4000    5000                   HARVIA HEATER
                     mm     mm                                                                 OPEN
                                                  M3: Wood-burning heater, positioned
                                                  inside of the sauna room.                    FULL WOODEN DOOR
                                                  SL: Wood-burning heater, mounted on
                                                  the back wall of the sauna with the door
                                                  on the exterio to conveniently heat the
                                                  sauna from another room or
                                                  outside the building.
                                                  VEGA: Electric heater. Can be mounted on
                                                  the back wall of the sauna or on a separate
                                                  mounting rack.
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