Page 30 - Timberin - katalogas 2017
P. 30

“TimberIN is not just another                       “Thank you for your                           “TimberIN were professional and
                    company selling saunas and hot                      professionalism, I endorse                    helpful all the way through, and
                    tubs, they are craftspeople and                     your company and product                      the tub was delivered exactly as
                    understand what it is to offer                      without hesitation.”                          planned. It looks great and works
                    quality of service and customer                                                                   very well.”
                    satisfaction. They know how to                      Family Nunn,
                    put the customer’s needs                                                                          Family C adan lo,
                    first- something rare in                            Kin ton, UK                                   Royston Herts, UK
                    todays business world.”
                    The Living Well Centre,

                    Cornwall, England

                             HOT TUB 3D MODELING TOOL COMING SOON!
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