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       How To Prepare Children For The Harmattan


      This is the season when Harmattan creeps in with its tell-tale signs of dust, cold weather, cracked
      skin and allergies. As a result of so much dust moving around, this season brings along cough, catarrh,
      and sore throat.

      Harmattan can be very deceptive. This minute, it is very hot, the next minute, it is cold; or the sun is
      shining, yet there is a chill in the air. Parents need a lot of wisdom when it comes to taking care of
      their children during harmattan.

      So the question is; how do we protect and prepare our children during the harmattan season? Here
      are some tips that should help.

                                                            Care of the body

                                                              Bathe  them  with  warm  water.  This  protects  against  di-

                                                            rect cold, and many children seem to love it! You can also de-
                                                            cide  to  put  some  Mentholatum  or  Vicks  VapoRub  on  their

                                                            chests and the soles of their feet at night to stay warm.

                                                              With  every  diaper  change,  you  may  want  to  moisturize

                                                            their buttocks. Some mothers do this with shea butter. Af-

                                                            ter a warm bath, apply Rub on the sides, chest and feet. This

                                                            keeps them warm.

                                                              Always moisturize their bodies – Shea Butter is a great

                                                            product to stay moisturized. Some mothers also mix whatev-

                                                            er cream they use with olive oil.

                                                              You may also apply a little Vaseline on the lips. You want

                                                            to avoid the lips getting cracked and bleeding.

                                                              Give them lots of water to drink and fruits to eat as this

                                                            helps to build their immunity.

                                                              Find ways to keep them warm; warm food, warm tea, this
                                                            is a season to stay away from ice cream and chilled water.
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