Page 6 - Princesses and Pirates 2 hour
P. 6

“Does anyone know what special type of godmother a princess has to protect her and help make her wishes come true? That’s right, a fairy godmother! Now we’re going to play the fairy godmother’s favourite game! Get out the parachute and tell the children to hold on to the edges and lie, eyes closed, with their feet underneath it, as if they are all tucked up in bed! Tell them that you are going to creep around the edge of the parachute and tap one of the children on the head. If you tap them on the head then they are the fairy godmother and the fairy godmother’s job is to invite all the children to the secret princess and pirate party! The chosen child must then crawl underneath the parachute and tickle the toes of the sleeping children. Tell the children that if their feet are tickled then they are invited to the secret princess and pirate party and they too must crawl underneath the parachute and start tickling toes! NB: Once you’ve tapped the chosen child on the head, lie with your feet underneath the parachute too so as to help the children with the game. Make sure they know they have to be very quiet! Finally when everyone, yourself included, is underneath the parachute tell them that they have made it to the secret princess and pirate party, and that if they jump out and shout “boo” on the count of three then there will be some special bubbles for them to pop! Count to three and lift up the parachute as the children jump up and shout “boo”!
12. BUBBLES:‘Happy’writtenandperformedbyPharrellWilliams
Play the song and use your bubble machine to create lots of bubbles for the children to pop. You should dance as you do this.
The children will eat their tea during a 30-minute break. Ask the parents if they would like you to play some children’s party tunes in the background (many will provide their own music). If they say yes, make sure to only play songs from the Lucy Sparkles & Friends party plans (as some pop songs might be inappropriate). Make sure your speaker is plugged in during the break so you don’t run out of battery.
We have recommended to the parents that they bring out the cake and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ at the beginning or at the end of the 30-minute tea break. Make sure you find out from the parents (before the start of the party) when they would like this to happen so you can assist in getting everyone’s attention and singing the song.
If the parent has requested glitter tattoos then this is the time to apply them (or to continue applying them if you did 15 minutes of tattoos at the beginning). Please see the ‘Glitter Tattoo Instructions’ document attached to your confirmation email for more details. Ensure that every child has the chance to have one. This may mean that applying the tattoos runs into your second set of entertainment so make sure to apply them as quickly as you can! You can easily adjust the timings of the second entertainment set using the instructions at the beginning of the plan.
If no glitter tattoos have been booked, spend approximately 15 minutes sitting with the children and talking to them in character while they eat their tea. Make sure to move around the table and interact with lots of different children. Next, gather up those who have finished eating and perform the magic tricks as specified in the ’15 min magic plan’ document attached to your confirmation email.
Set Two (45 mins)
13. PASSTHEPARCEL:‘He’saPirate’fromDisney’s‘PiratesoftheCaribbean:TheCurse of the Black Pearl’ by Klaus Badelt
Make it clear to the children before you play the game that “everybody gets a turn.” Play the track and the children pass the parcel around in a circle. When you pause the music, the child holding the parcel opens a layer and keeps the gift inside. Use a remote control to pause the music so you can help the younger children pass the parcel and open it when it is their turn. The children can eat their treat, put it in their pocket or give it to an adult to mind so that it does not distract them from the rest of the party.
 © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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