Page 5 - Microsoft Word - CNLV Benefits Booklet Draft Revised 10.31.19 NON RETIREE.docx
P. 5


                             Your Medical Plan Choices

                     Active employees have 3 medical plan options to choose from
                                                                    Economy Savings Plconomy Savings Planan
                                              Base PlanBase Plan
                                              Base Planase Plan
                                                                                                   Premium Planremium Plan
                                                                                                   Premium PlanPremium Plan
                                              B                     Economy Savings PlEconomy Savings Planan    P
                                            HPNHPN  HMO 25HMO 25    U UU UMRMR  Choice PlusChoice Plus--PPOPPO    U UU UMRMR  Choice PlusChoice Plus--PPOPPO
                                            HPNPN  HMO 25HMO 25
                                                                     MRMR  Choice PlusChoice Plus--PPOPPO
                                                                                                 MRMR  Choice PlusChoice Plus--PPOPPO
                                                                                                              Out of ut of
                                                                                   Out of ut of
                                                                                  O                           O
                                                                                                              Out of Out of
                                                                                  Out of Out of
                                            In Network Onlyn Network Only   In Networkn Network    I In Networkn Network
                                                                                               In NetworkIn Network
                                                                   In NetworkIn Network
                                            In Network OnlyIn Network Only
                                                                                  Networketwork              N
       Employee                                  $0                  $750         $2,000          $0          $2,000
       Family                                    $0                 $1,500        $6,000          $0          $6,000
      Out-of-pocket Maximum
       Employee                                $6,250               $4,700       $25,000        $2,200       $25,000
       Family                                  $12,500              $9,200       $50,000        $6,600       $50,000
      CoInsurance                                0%                  20%           50%           10%           50%
      Physician Visit Copay                      $25                 $35        50% after        $20        50% after
      Specialist Visit Copay                     $50                 $35        Deductible       $40        Deductible
                                                                                50% after                   50% after
      Preventive Services                        $0                   $0                          $0
                                                                                Deductible                  Deductible
      Laboratory & Pathology                                                     40% after                  30% after
                                                 $15                  $50                        $20
      Services                                                                  Deductible                  Deductible
                                                                                 40% after       $20        30% after
      X-Rays                                     $25                 $50
                                                                                Deductible                  Deductible
                                                                                 50% after                  50% after
      CT Scan, MRI (non-hospital)               $100                 $125                       $100
                                                                                Deductible                  Deductible
      Telemedicine                               $0                  $10                         $10
        Behavioral Telehealth                    N/A                 $10           N/A           $10           N/A
        Dermatology Telehealth                   N/A                 $10                         $10
                                                                                50% after                   50% after
      Urgent Care                                $30                 $55                         $40
                                                                                Deductible                  Deductible
                                                                   $150 per visit for True     $100 per visit for True
                                                                         Emergency                  Emergency
      Emergency Room                  $250 (waived if admitted)
                                                                   $500 per visit for Non-     $500 per visit for Non-
                                                                         Emergency                  Emergency
      Ambulance (Ground)                    $250 (per trip)            $150 (per trip)             $150 (per trip)

      Hospital – Inpatient              $300 day / $900 admit
                                                                   20% after    50% after        10%        50% after
      Hospital - Outpatient               $300 per surgery                      Deductible  CoInsurance  Deductible
      Surgical Facility                   $150 per surgery        Deductible
      Prescription Drugs
      -  Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3            $25 / $50 / $75             $15 / $45 / $65             $10 / $30 / $55
      -  Mail Order (90 day supply)    $62.50 / $125 / $187.50        $25 / $85 / $125            $20 / $60 / $110
                 Please refer to the UMR Plan’s Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for more complete information.
                           A full policy of coverage, exclusions and plan rules is also available upon request.
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