Page 28 - B Corp Impact Report_FINAL_Single
P. 28


                                                                                           Phil Hepworth

   Ensuring client satisfaction remains a key focus for  For each completed survey, we also donated £25 to
   AEW. We have refined and developed our range of  long term charity partner, Ronald McDonald House
   tools to manage and monitor our client relationships  Charities UK.
   in  the  past  year  with  a  view  to  improving  both  our
   service offer and our project outcomes.                    The survey was supplemented by our ‘Client Listening
                                                              Interviews’ where we undertook one-to-one discussion
   In accordance with our ISO9001 Quality Management  with some of our key clients to gather further detail
   System, we have maintained our ‘Annual Client Survey’  and intelligence on our performance with interview
   and reinforced our newly integrated ‘Client Listening  reports issued to teams to share feedback, remedial
   Interviews’. We also began to roll-out our ‘Key Client  actions and opportunities.
   Management  Process’.  We  also  maintained  our
   robust security procedures and renewed our Cyber  Translating  client  feedback  into  actions,  this  year
   Essentials accreditation to ensure the safety of our  we  also  commenced  our  ‘Key  Client  Management
   clients data.                                              Process’ with training to all staff about the importance
                                                              of good customer relationships and how to manage
   Our ‘Annual Client Survey’ was sent to representatives  this process. Our tried and tested approach has seen
   from all companies invoiced throughout the Financial  us  manage  long-term  relationships  with  clients  like
   Year.  Results  were  analysed  and  trends  identified,  McDonald’s  Restaurants  with  whom  we’ve  worked
   these were subsequently presented practice wide to  for over 25 years.
   drive continuous improvement.

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