Page 30 - B Corp Impact Report_FINAL_Single
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Our approach in numbers

     Maintained                                                Renewed our

                                                               Cyber Essentials
     ISO9001                                                   Accreditation to

     for our QMS                                               ensure the safety
                                                               of our client’s

     This guides our approach to client satisfaction.          information

     Annual Client Survey FY23
    15%                            Contactability & Attitude rated                 Across all questions,

                                                                                   achieved an NPS
     Response                       “Exceptional”                                  score of

     rate from 163
     recipients                                                                    68

                                   £625                        “...AEW’s client facing

                      £            donated to                  approach and ‘can do’
                                                               culture seems to be the
                                   RMHC from                   theme of the practice.”

                                   client surveys              Kieron Moore, Senior Technical & Design Manager

                                                               Your Housing

     Client Listening Programme FY23

    16                            “Exceptional”


     undertaken                       NPS score when asked if the interviewees would recommend us

   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35