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What Does עדוי ימ דחא Have To Do With the Pesach Story? ‐
Leora Geralnik (11th Grade)
Echad Mi Yodeah seems to have no connection to the Pesach story, so why is it one of the most popular and
well known songs of the seder night? What does this song have to do with Pesach?
The Ateret Yehoshua says that the sources of merit mentioned in this song helped the redemption from Egypt
become a reality. The belief in one G-d that the Jews demonstrated throughout the Exodus was the main force
that brought about their freedom. This song, with its refrain of faith and belief in one G-d, celebrates what we
have to be thankful for, despite remaining in exile.
We learn two fundamental lessons from this question-and-answer, repetitive format. One, as taught by Toldot
Adam, says that only once you admit what you do not know will you be able to learn more. This structure teach-
es humility and the importance of asking questions. Two, as taught by the Hidushei HaRim, says that although it
would make sense to teach the song from thirteen and work back without any repetition, we have the repetition
to teach us that spiritual growth is like slowly but steadily climbing a ladder.
Maya Bublil—2nd grade