Page 10 - RMBA Upper School Haggadah 2018
P. 10
However, there is another explana on given by the Sh”lah who says that each cup of wine
represents one of our matriarchs:
The first cup of wine is used to recite Kiddush, the blessing of the day. Sarah was known for her
efforts to spread the word of G-d to those who previously worshipped idols.
We drink the second cup of wine a er we tell the story of the birth of our na on; we read how
Avraham originally worshipped idols. We have read how the na on grew and developed. Rivka
was born into a family of idol worshipers and she grew to be one of the matriarchs of the na on
of Israel.
Later, we conclude the Birkat Hamazon and drink the third cup. Rachel was the mother of Yosef,
who assured that the en re land of Egypt would have sustenance during the years of famine. It
is fi ng that we remember Rachel, the mother of the one who sustained a na on, a er we
have completed our meal.
The last cup of wine is drunk a er we complete Hallel, the praises of G-d. Leah, upon the birth
of her son Yehudah, said “This me I shall thank Hashem.”
We learn from here that the seder does not completely revolve around men, because it is not
just men who experienced Yetziat Mitzriam. It also honors women in its specific order that
these cups of wine must be drunk.
Reclining for the Four Cups of Wine - Rebekah Lemeshev (11th Grade)
It is common knowledge in the Jewish tradi on that during the Passover Seder we recline while
consuming certain foods, such as the four cups of wine, and matzah. We do this custom in order
to experience a sense of grandeur in our freedom from Egypt, which we now hold the right to
feel. In fact, according to Pesachim 108a, “even the poorest person in Israel should not eat un l
he reclines.” However, there appears to be certain discrepancies regarding reclining while
drinking the four cups. The conflict concerns which cups we recline for and the reason we lean
for each one.
When discussing the four cups in the Gemara, the Rabbis start out with a confusing statement.
The Gemara quotes Rav Nachman who says that the four cups require reclining, but he is also
quoted as saying that the four cups do not require reclining. Doesn’t this en re statement
sound like a contradic on?
The Gemara explains that both of these proclama ons are correct because one statement refers
to the first two cups and the other refers to the last two cups. But which statement refers to
which set of cups? For this ques on there are two interpreta ons. Some say that the first two
cups need reclining because they are consumed when we are talking about the exodus from
Egypt (telling of our freedom), and the last two cups do not need reclining because the freedom
was already emphasized. Others interpret it another way and say that the last two cups require