Page 14 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 14
. ~ MULTIPLE OVERHAND abolition in 1948. A far less grisly use is as a
weight in the cords with which Capuchin
KNOT monks tie their habits. Sailors use the knot as a
stopper or weighting knot on small sluff,
Also known as: BLOOD KNOT
although it is difficu lt to untie when the line is
This knot's alternative name has a rather wet.
gruesome derivation: the knot USL>d to be tied in When you lie the knot, keep the loop open
the ends of the lashes of the cat Q'nine tails, the and slack, and then pull gently on both ends of
whip used for flogging in both the British Army the line simultaneously, twisting the two ends
and Navy until the punishment's official in opposite directions as you do so.
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