Page 19 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 19


                                           Also known as: D RAW HITCH
                                           The name highwayman's hitch comes from the
                                           fact the knot was supposedly used by robbers to
                                           insure a swift release for their horses' reins and
                                           thus a rapid get-away. A single pull on the
                                           working end unties the knot, but the standing
                                           part can safely be put under lension.


                       •             IZE  HALF HITCH

                                           The half hitch is among the most widely used of
                                           fastenings, but it is, in fact,  a temporary knot,
                                           formed of a single hitch made around the
                                           standing part of another hitch - as in a round
                                           tum and two half hitches, for example. The
                                           knot is not meanl lo lake any strain but is rather
                                           used to complete and strengthen other knots,
                                           which may then be used for tying, hanging or

                                                                T WO   H"'l~  HI TCH tS

                                     $IHG l E  H AL F  HITCH

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