Page 24 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
P. 24

66   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               and composting in natural environment. In
                                                                             Figure 38a. Micrograph of
               order to assess the effects of the polymer                    graphene oxide prepared
                                                                             by the modified Hummers
               coatings on the degradation process of the
               specimens, only the yellow and black sam-
               ples were exposed to a controlled compost-
               ing environment via respirometry, reducing
               to 16 the number of samples. The organic
               compound generated by the biodegradation
               process was analyzed by the ecotoxicity tests.
               It was observed that the coating layer acted
               as a barrier that inhibits degradation of the
               plastic when exposed to weathering. The
               addition of pro-degrading agents accelerat-
               ed the degradation process, promoting the      Figure 38b. Image by electron microscopy transmission coupled to
                                                              an energy dispersive spectrometer shows silver nanoparticles (dark
               migration of the metal ion to the medium       spots) incorporated to graphene oxide.
               without affecting the final quality of the
               organic compost/soil.

               Synthesis of metal/graphene based
               composites using electron beam
               for electrochemical applications

               Graphene is an allotrope of carbo obtained
               in a monolayer form from graphite. This        Figure 38c. Image by electron microscopy scan coupled to an energy
                                                              dispersive spectrometer shows nickel nanoparticles incorporated to
               nanomaterial has exceptional chemical, elec-   graphene oxide.
               trical and mechanical properties: a precise
               surface area of 2,630 m /g per monolayer,
               excellent electrical and thermal conductiv-    Graphene oxide as adsorbent for
               ities and high mechanical resistance and       Cesium ions removal from aqueous
               chemical stability. The existence of metallic   solution and radioactive liquid waste.
               nano-particles augments the surface through
               which the electric current passes, thus in -   Graphene Oxide (GO) is a graphene-based
               creasing the electrical conductivity of the    nanomaterial that has enticed attention on
               nanocomposites. Ionizing radiation (electron   account of its functionalized surface which
               beam and gamma radiation) was utilized to      comprises hydroxyl, epoxy, carbonyl and car-
               synthesized and combine nickel, copper, pal-   boxyl groups, and has a robust complexation
               ladium and silver nanoparticle on graphene-    ability with ion metal. GO has shown high
               based material. This methodology requires      sorption competence to eliminate cesium
               neither toxic reagents nor generates toxic     ion from aqueous solution. The trials were
               wastes. These new nano-composites have         performed in batch and the following param-
               several applications in the electrochemical    eters were considered: contact time, pH and
               field, such as components for supercapaci-     cesium ion concentration in aqueous solution.
               tors, solar cells, sensors, electro catalysis and   An equilibrium was reached after 60 minutes
               lithium batteries.                             contact in neutral solution. The percentage of

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