Page 22 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
P. 22

64   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               Creating Selective Membranes                   lation already in course in many countries limits
               with Ionizing Irradiation                      the emission of volatile organic compounds
                                                              (VOC) in the atmosphere, affecting mainly the
               Polymeric membranes were styrene grafted by    paint manufacturers who are seeking for al-
               several irradiation methods and the obtained   ternatives by replacing the paint solvent for
               material is chemically modified to become alu-  those with high solids. Thus, the technology of
               minum selective. For this purpose, polymeric   curing polymer coatings by radiation is based
               substrates like PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and PP   on the interaction of the chemical system to
               (polypropylene) were styrene grafted mutually   the ultraviolet (UV) or electron beam (EB) inci-
               by gamma and electron beam irradiation. The    dent radiation, forming reactive species capa-
               modification process included three basic reac-  ble of inducing the polymerization reactions
               tion paths: Friedel-Crafts acylation, 2-methyla-  and cross-linking, resulting in formation of the
               nisole coupling and a final oxidation to achieve   cured product. In this technology, the solvents
               aluminum selectivity. The obtained product     used to reduce the viscosity of the formula-
               was an aluminum selective material where       tions are replaced with reactive monomers
               original membrane characteristics (physical    that remain in the cured product, providing
               shape and mechanical resistance) were con-     no VOC, and the film formation occurs at room
               served even after this aggressive treatment.   temperature. However, the cured products are
                                                              insoluble and infusible, increasing the degree of
                                                              complexity for reprocessing, recycling and / or
                                                              (bio) degradation. Thus, this project evaluated
                                                              coating films cured by UV / EB and its mixtures
                                                              with pro-degrading agents, on a polymer sub-
                                                              strate by means of its thermal, mechanical,
                                                              rheological and morphological characteristics.

               Figure 33. Physical aspect of final product - aluminum selective
               membrane. (1) Styrene grafted PP-1, with high yield of grafting (not
               chemically modified). (2) Chemically modified PP-1 (low yield - first
               step of modification). (3) Chemically modified PP-1 (high yields -
               first step of modification and grafting). (4) Chemically modified PP-2
               (high yield for the first modification and low yield of grafting).

               Cure of inks, paints and varnishes
               by UV/EB technology and
               evaluation of its degradability

               The search for environmentally friend materi-
               als is becoming the major focus of research at
               the twenty-first century, considering the high
               level of pollution generated by the inadequate
               disposal of materials, especially polymers, in the
               environment. In addition, environmental legis-  Figure 34. Preparation of coating film and UV curing.

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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