Page 17 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
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Applications of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  59

               as an agent of sterilization and impregnating   icon dioxide – used with PA 6 were explored.
               of silver nanoparticles.                       Moreover, their density and properties in
                                                              terms of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
                                                              were evaluated. Additional mechanical tests
                                                              such as tensile strength, elongation at break
                                                              and impact resistance were also carried out.
                                                              The tests concluded both compounds (PA 6
                                                              with colloidal silicon dioxide and PA 6 with
                                                              talc) demonstrated the same behavior. The
                                                              results have demonstrated that colloidal sili-
                                                              con dioxide may be viable alternative filler for
                                                              replacing talc as mineral filler in polyamide
                                                              6 compounds. Thus, this work contributes to
                                                              minimizing environmental problems by en-
                                                              abling the use of colloidal silicon dioxide in
                                                              the productive process.

                                                              Investigation of the effect of ionizing radiation
                                                              on composites based on biodegradable
                                                              polymers and coconut fiber

                                                              Product development and improvement has
                                                              a crucial role to play in the further develop-
                                                              ment of the biodegradable polymers market.
                                                              Biodegradable polymers can be found in a
                                                              wide range of end use markets. Continued
               Figure 24. Polyurethane Catheters.
                                                              progress in terms of product development
                                                              and cost reduction is required before they can
               Mechanical and thermal comparison analyses     effectively compete with conventional plastics
               in polyamide 6 compounds with talc mineral     for mainstream applications. And, the addition
               filler and colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil)  of natural fibers to polymer blends can lead to

                                                              physical properties improvement and also can
               In order to have sustainable development, it is   diminish  cost.
               very desirable that the possibilities of obtain-  Additionally,  it
               ing ecologically acceptable raw materials that   will reduce the
               increase dimensional properties and reduce     amount of agri-
               cost in the industrial sector are explored. In   business waste
               this sense, the possibility of replacing mineral   disposal  in  the
               talc powder with the colloidal silicon dioxide   environment.
               (AEROSIL®) as a mineral filler in polyamide 6   In  Brazil,  coco-
               (PA 6) compounds was tested. Colloidal silicon   nut  production
               dioxide is an amorphous substance with low     is  around  1.5  Figure 25. Scanning Electron Micros-
               density that satisfies consumer demands. In    billion fruits by   copy (SEM) image of PCL:PLLA 20:80
                                                                                (w:w) 10% of acetylated coconut fiber
               this study, both fillers – talc and colloidal sil-  year in a cultivat- composite.
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