Page 12 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
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54   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               with carbon dioxide and nitrogen in distinct   with tungsten, instead of lead, in order to
               percentages. Since no experimental data on     make them as small as possible. They were
               the first Townsend ionization coefficient in   designed to contain up to two radioactive
               all mixtures investigated are available in the   sources with different energies and to have
               literature, our results were compared with     a system with stepper motor controlled by
               Magboltz simulation with very good accor-      computer, maintaining the operators at a
               dance within the experimental error.           distance from the radioactive sources. In this
                                                              CT, each of the seventy detectors is connected
               Industrial Tomography                          to a set of multichannel type electronic acqui-
               Systems                                        sition board, developed at our Laboratory. The

                                                              developed tomography system is capable of
                                                              generating real-time images of the interior of
               Development of an Industrial Instant Non-      industrial process towers or tubes, with fast
               Scanning Tomography System                     transients, without paralyzing the produc-
                                                              tion. This non-destructive analysis system
               A  portable  tomography  known  as  in -       contributes to achieve high productive and
               stant-non-scanning type, a similar version     optimized yields in industrial processes, as
               of the fourth generation CT, was developed     well as contributing to the reduction of en-
               at IPEN, supported by FAPESP. The difference   vironmental impact, inherent to industry
               of this device compared to the fourth genera-  activity. The beneficiaries of the results of
               tion CT type is that this scanner has five fixed   this project are the oil refining industries and
               gamma source, rather than a single source      their derivatives and basic chemical industries.
               in a circular motion, moving continuously
               around the detector ring. The proposed device
               is configured with a ring of seventy NaI(Tl)
               detectors distributed circularly around the
               object and five tungsten-shielding-case, dis-
               tanced among them with 14 NaI(Tl) detectors.
               All five shielding cases contain, inside them,
               approximately the same level of radioactivity
               source. In summary, the seventy detectors
               were subdivided in five subsets, containing
               fourteen detectors positioned diametrically
               opposite to each radioactive source, in a fan   Figure 16. Industrial Instant Non-Scanning Tomography system.
               beam configuration, inside an angle of 36
               degrees. This scanner was designed to make it
               easily installable in complex refining towers,
               pipes and in general, adaptable to other com-  Gas-Liquid Distribution in the Random
               ponents of industrial production. The seventy   Packed Column using a third-generation
               detectors, the five tungsten-shielding-cases   gamma tomography
               and collimators systems are mounted on two
               MDF plates of 20 mm thick and, thus, they      Random packed distillation columns are used,
               are easily adaptable to different industrial   extensively, in chemical and petrochemical
               objects. The source shielding-cases were built   industries to perform highly efficient process

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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