Page 14 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
P. 14

56   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

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               Figure 18. Pies prepared with petals of Bauhinia variegata L.  var. candida alba Buch-Ham and  Bauhinia variegata L.; Figure 19. Ttropaeolum
               majus (capuchinha); Figure 20. Bauhinia variegata L. var. variegata (pata de vaca rosa); Figure 21. Pancake with Acmella oleracea (Jambu);
               Figure 22. Viola tricolor (amor perfeito)

               with safe and healthy eating options for edi-  fruits, increasingly appreciated in culinary
               ble flowers. The tendency to use flowers and   preparations or even “in natura” both in the
               petals in gastronomy has been growing in       domestic market and abroad. Indeed, the
               recent years and the taste of flowers pleases   food irradiation must be carried out in pack -
               not only for the taste and refinement but      aged products, leading to minimal changes
               also for the beauty it provides to culinary    in fresh and perishable products, allowing
               preparations, as well as the growth of sci -   them to be preserved for longer without
               entific research on its nutritional potential.   losing their quality. However, due to the
               The edible flower market in Brazil and abroad   great diversity and complexity of food com-
               is in full expansion and is a niche of high    position, further scientific research on the
               standard in the market of floriculture and     interaction of ionizing radiation with food
               vegetables. Brazil has a great diversity of    products and components of food matrices

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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