Page 15 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
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Applications of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  57

                                                                                                 Figure 23.
                                                                                             film used as an
                                                                                            agricultural stove

                                                              Industrial and
               is necessary. Additionally, it has some limits
               to irradiate food, as in any other process in   Environmental Applications
               the food industry. Irradiation is effective    of Ionizing Radiation
               in public health by inactivating harmful
               microorganisms and food borne parasites.
                                                              Modification and preparation of
               Oxidation  results  in  hydroperoxides  de -   polymeric materials and composites
               composing into hydrocarbons, aldehydes,
               ketones, alcohol and acids, which interfere    Behavior of linear low density polyethylene
               with sensory characteristics, as they form     films under UV ageing for agricultural applica-
               unpleasant flavors and a special flavor that   tion Polyethylene is the most important poly-
               are commonly known as rancidity, and re-       mer used in agricultural applications. Polymers
               duce nutritional value by degrading fat and    are susceptible to changes in their chemical
               fat soluble vitamins. Oxidative deteriora-     structures that affect their mechanical prop-
               tion of lipids leads to the development of     erties under weather condition. In Polyeth-
               rancidification, undesirable flavors, polym-   ylene, photo-oxidation can occur because of
               erization and other reactions resulting in     impurities or chromophore groups (catalytic
               reduced shelf life, nutritional quality and    residue, mineral fillers, some commercial ad-
               food safety. The oxidation of fatty acids gives   ditives as stabilizers, lubricants, plasticizers,
               rise to numerous compounds among them          etc.). The critical ageing factors for greenhouse
               the formation of 2-ACBs among other com-       built with LDPE film are: total solar radiation,
               pounds contained in the lipids of irradiated   air temperature, relative humidity, mechan-
               foods. Many studies report that 2-ACBs are     ical stress, agrochemicals, air pollution, and
               compounds formed solely by the irradiation     combinations of these factors. Exposure of
               process and increase linearly according to     plastics to UV radiation causes a loss in their
               the radiation dose. Studies of genotoxicity    mechanical properties and/or change in ap-
               and cytotoxicity are being done by the group   pearance, including reduced ductility, color
               to provide basic information on cell culture   changes, yellowing and cracking. Additives
               and laboratory animals on this topic which     are added to plastics to enhance the durability
               should be deepened knowledge and provide       of the final product. Today, there are several
               data to government bodies for safe control     additive systems (light stabilizers) developed
               of this process and establish minimal and      to work according to resin, final application,
               maximum safe limits quantities in the food.    type of cultivation, and other characteris-
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