Page 13 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
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Applications of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report 55
separation. Liquid flow distribution has been 8.8 hours. The regions of accumulated water
a major concern when scaling up random concentration were similar for the water flow
packed columns. The liquid distribution in velocities, at 2 and 6 liters/min. However, the
random packed columns is not often uniform, average accumulated water concentration for
even when the liquid is uniformly introduced 6 liters/min was higher, compared to 2 liters/
into the column. The knowledge on porosity min. The spatial resolution of the tomography
variation (gas holdup) of random packed col- system determined by the modulation trans-
umns is useful for understanding the fluid dy- fer function (MTF) analysis was of 1.45 mm.
namics. The porosity variation in the random
packed columns has long been recognized as a Ionizing Radiation
potential source of maldistribution and it has Application in Food and
been studied extensively. A third-generation
gamma transmission tomography system, Agricultural Products
developed at IPEN, was used to evaluate the
liquid distribution of a Rashig ring random News aspects on food irradiation and
packed column, at two different water flows: analyses of natural biocompounds in edible
2 and 6 liters/min. For each water flow, the flowers
measurements were carried out at nine col-
umn heights. The liquid-gas holdup was de- We highlight our objectives in the studies
termined by the reconstructed images. The of ionizing radiation in eatable flowers and
distribution of the Rashig rings, as well as start with new studies to establish minimum
the position and the average accumulated and maximum amount of 2-Alkylcyclobuta-
amount of the water concentration, among nones (2ACB) to endorse the safe consump-
the Rashig rings, could be determined, even tion of irradiated fat food. There is extensive
at a low temporal resolution of the system of research on the most suitable technology for
food preservation, which does not compro-
mise the quality of its bioactive compounds
and toxicity of irradiated foods. In this way,
radiation processing has been shown to be an
effective alternative in post-harvest, shelf-life
extension, loss reduction and food safety as-
surance, as well as quarantine treatment since
fresh food intended for human consumption
needs to be free from insects and diseases. The
growing application of food, especially fruits
and edible flowers in gastronomic prepara-
tions, requires new technological approaches
with the objective of improving conservation
and commercialization in order to promote
food security.
In this sense, one of our lines of research to
Figure 17. Reconstructed images without water flow (a); column which we have dedicated over the last three
scheme (b); reconstructed images with water flow of 2 liters/min
and reconstructed images with water flow of 6 liters/min. years was the research to provide consumers