Page 9 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
P. 9

Applications of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  51

               Radiation Detectors                            Bil 3

                                                              Before                  After
               Purification and Growth of Semiconductor
               Crystals  for  Applications  as  Room
               Temperature Radiation Detectors
                                                              Before                  After
               A great interest has been focusing on the
               development of a room temperature radia-
               tion detector, using semiconductor materi-
               als that have high atomic number and wide
               band gap, due to its applicability as X ray
                                                              Figure 8. Pictures of the BiI  and TlBr crystals without and after
               and gamma ray spectrometer, operating at       three purifications.  3
               room temperature. Layered semiconductor
               materials have a number of properties that
               make them attractive for such application.     The impurities identified for both crystals as
               However, the role of crystal impurities on     well as the tendency of the impurity concen-
               the detector performance is crucial, and,      trations to decrease in function of the purifi-
               consequently, improvements on the chem-        cation number are presented in Fig.9. The seg-
               ical purification and the impurity reduction   regation of most of the total impurities to the
               analysis should be achieved. To accomplish     beginning or end of the crystal indicates that
               this goal, the Repeated Vertical Bridgman      the purification method established in this
               technique was established for previous pu-     work was effective. After three purifications,
               rification of the raw materials before their   most of the impurities for both crystals were,
               growth, in order to obtain the single crystals   practically, removed in the middle region.
               of high-purity and highest crystal quality,    Thus, Repeated Vertical Bridgman showed
               whose characteristics are required for X and   to be an efficient technique for purification
               gamma rays detection. In this work, the BiI    of BiI  and TlBr powders, with potential to be
                                                          3        3
               and TlBr powders with nominal purity of        used in the radiation semiconductor detector
               99.99% were used as used as raw material       development.
               and the efficiency of the Repeated Vertical
               Bridgman technique for removing impurities
               was evaluated by the measurements of the
               impurity concentrations in the crystals after
               different purification number. For the BiI
               crystals, previously purified, a blackish gray
               coloration and glossy surface were observed,
               while crystal grown without prior purifica-
               tion presented a non-uniformity opaque gray
               color, being more accentuated in the upper
               region (Fig. 8). The formerly purified TlBr crys-
               tals presented a fully translucent yellow color,
               while crystals grown without purification       Figure 9. Reduction trend of the impurities concentration in
               showed non-uniformity darker yellow color       function of the number of purifications (once, twice and three
                                                               times purifications).The colored lines are a guide to the vision,
               with dark residue in the upper region.          evidencing this tendency.
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