Page 5 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
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Applications of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  47

               facility is 12 PBq (321.89 kCi - Jul 2014). In the   mal, mechanical, and chemical properties.
               near future, a new cobalt-60 irradiation source   The upgrading of the EBA facilities increased
               will be installed with 7.4 PBq (200 kCi). Almost   the wire and electric cables processing speed
               all disposable supplies used by the Radiophar-  to 300m/min and the polyethylene foams to
               macy Center (CR) of IPEN to produce tech-      15 m/min, becoming the product prices more
               netium-99m generators and other medical        competitive in the Brazilian market.
               radioisotopes are continuously sterilized by
               the Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility.   Development of an automated system
               Many biomedical research laboratories and      for the operation of an electron beam
               centers, especially those working with equip-  accelerator
               ment for cell cultures and vaccine production,
               also make use of the gamma sterilization.      Electron beam accelerators are sophisticated
               Animal feed and shavings used by certified     equipment used in many applications, such
               bioteries are routinely disinfected. Alterna-  as basic physical research, chemistry, medi-
               tive underwater irradiation methods were       cine, molecular biology, microelectronics, ag-
               developed to meet the demand of gemstone       riculture and industry, among others. All the
               color enhancement using gamma radiation.       electron beam accelerators have an electron
               Human tissues including bone, skin, amniotic   source, a vacuum acceleration chamber and a
               membranes, tendons, and cartilage belonging    device to extract and distribute the electrons
               to National Banks tissues are routinely irradi-  over the product surface. The majority of the
               ated. In particular, disinfestations and disin-  accelerators have electrons from a hot tung-
               fection processes applied on cultural heritage   sten filament and their energy is increased
               objects (books, wood, paintings, furniture,    as it passes through an electric field in the
               etc.) using gamma radiation were intensified   vacuum chamber. For industrial purposes,
               over the last years. Almost 20.000 cultural    the most common model is Dynamitrons®.
               heritage objects have been disinfected by      At IPEN-CNEN/SP, there is an electron beam
               the Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility.   accelerator Dynamitron® Type (Manufac-
                                                              tured by RDI- Radiation Dynamics Inc., 1978)
               Additional applications developed by these     model DC1500/25/4. The technology applied
               facilities are related to treatment of industrial   was available in the 60´s and 70´s, but, now-
               and domestic effluents, sludge and hospi-      adays is obsolete. Moreover, there are not
               tal waste; paints, varnishes, adhesives and    original spare parts for this equipment any
               coating curing; polymer grafting and mod-      longer. The aim of this work was to develop
               ification; radiation processing of composite   a nationalized automated operation system
               materials and natural polymers. Only in 2016,   for the accelerator to replace the old equip-
               more than 1000 m  of medical, pharmaceuti-     ment. The project started with an economic
               cal, and biological products were sterilized by   and technical feasibility study and industrial
               the Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility.   dosimetry study. The safety standards from
               Between 2014 and 2016, around 8063 km of       the IAEA and CNEN were used to guide the
               wire and electric cables for chemical; automo-  project. Several studies and major develop-
               bile, aircraft and electro-electronic companies   ment have been conducted, including print-
               were processed by the EBA facilities. Radiation   ed circuit boards construction, mechanical
               processing promotes crosslinking among the     solutions, CLP automation, software for the
               polymeric chains, increasing electrical, ther-  automation and process parameters. In this
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