Page 4 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
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46 Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report
Facilities and Devices The EBA facilities supplied by IBA Industrial
for application of Inc. have a capacity of 97.5 kW (1.5 MeV - 65
Nuclear Techniques mA) and 37.5 kW (1.5 MeV - 25 mA) respec-
tively (FIG 1). The installed activity of the
Gammacell is around 3.5x10 kBq (965.53
Facilities installed in the Ci) - Dec – 2016 - (FIG 2) and for the Panoram-
Radiation Technology Center ic irradiator around 6,5x10 kBq (177,34 Ci)
- Dec-2016) (FIG 3). On the other hand, the
Radiation processing is one the most import- Multipurpose Gamma Irradiator Facility
ant activities developed by the Radiation (FIG 4) was totally developed with Brazilian
Technology Center –CTR. Currently, the CTR technology, category IV (IAEA - SSG8). This
has two small-scale gamma ray irradiators, irradiator can be operated on stationary and
a Gammacell and a Panoramic irradiation continuous modes (product overlap sources)
system and the Multipurpose Gamma Irradi- and the source design capacity of cobalt-60 is
ation Facility, semi-industrial irradiator based 37 PBq (1 MCi). The installed activity of this
on cobalt-60. These
facilities have been
providing services on
radiation processing,
especially for steril-
ization of health care
and disposable medical
products as well as sup-
port to research stud- Figure 1. Electron Beam Accelerator Facilities
ies on modification of
physical, chemical and biological properties
of several materials to the local scientific and
industrial communities.
Remarkable applications are related to food
processing, cultural heritage preservation,
human tissues sterilization, environmental
applications, gemstone color enhancement,
hydrogels polymerization, etc. Additionally, Figure 2. Figure 3.
the CTR has two industrial electron beam Gammacell Facility Panoramic Irradiator Facility
accelerators (EBA) of
1,5MeV. Applications
such as the treatment
of wire, electric cable,
heat-shrinkable tubing
and film and tires are
routinely carried out
using the EBA facilities.
Figure 4. Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares