Page 7 - PR 2014 2016 03 Applications of Ionizing Radiations
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Applications of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  49

               Dosimetry Systems                              of medical imaging and clinical diagnostic

                                                              owing to their higher sensitivity per unit of
               Industrial Dosimetry in Radiation Processing   volume in comparison with ionization cham-
                                                              ber. However, in medical dosimetry, where a
               Reliable absorbed-dose measurements trace-     precise measurement of the absorbed dose is
               able to recognized national and international   required, the routinely use of Si devices de-
               dosimetry standards play an important role in   mands periodic recalibration of the dosimeter
               radiation processing. In all electron and gamma   due to the sensitivity decay with the accu-
               radiation processes dosimetry, it is required as   mulated dose. This drop in sensitivity is the
               a necessary quality control, to establish the   most important radiation damage effect that
               process and for research and development       imposes constraint on the widespread use of
               studies. The Industrial Dosimetry Laboratory   ordinary silicon diodes as dosimeters. This sce-
               (IDL) is in charge of a wide range of dosimetry   nario has been changed with the development
               activities covering the conventional scope of   of silicon devices with enhanced tolerance of
               radiation processing applications and the de-  radiation in the framework of High Energy
               velopment of new products and services. The    Physics research projects. Samples of these
               dosimetry procedures are carried out in agree-  radiation-hard diodes, free supplied by Hel-
               ment with the International Organization for   sinki Institute of Physics (HIP) and University
               Standardization (ISO) and American Society     of Hamburg, have been used as detectors
               Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard guides   in real-time dosimetry systems developed
               and practices. To establish reliable dosimetry   for diagnostic radiology, mammography and
               systems, the IDL has participated of the inter-  computed tomography. The best results were
               comparisons of gamma dose measurements,        obtained with Epitaxial (EPI) silicon diodes
               organized by International Dose Assurance Ser-  processed on n-type thin epitaxial silicon
               vice (IDAS) offered by the International Atomic   layer grown on a highly doped Czochralski (Cz)
               Energy Agency (IAEA). Fricke solution has been   silicon substrate. As dosimeter, each unbiased
               used as reference standard and alanine as      diode was housed in a PMMA probe (Fig 6) and
               transfer standard dosimeters. Absorbed-dose    directly coupled to a digital electrometer to
               measurements in the products are carried       measure the current produced across its p-n
               out using polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA)         junction during the irradiation. In all measure-
               as a routine dosimetry system provided by      ments, the current was linearly dependent on
               Harwell Dosimeters Ltd. - UK, certified by the   the dose rate and negligible sensitivity decay
               International Dose Assurance Service (IDAS)    was observed for accumulated doses up to 10
               of the International Atomic Energy Agency      Gy. Other application that deserves be report-
               (IAEA) and the alanine dosimetry system to     ed was the dosimetry response evaluation
               increase the functional dose range. Additional-  and beam data acquisition performance of
               ly, the radiochromic thin film FWT-60 and the   a miniature Float Zone (FZ) silicon diode for
               Cellulose Triacetate Film – CTA dosimeters are   clinical photon beams of 6 MV and 15 MV.
               available for specific applications.           Results obtained with this diode evidenced
                                                              linear and stable dose response even for field
               Development of Semiconductor Dosimeters        size of 1 x 1 cm². Furthermore, the output
                                                              factor values gathered in several field sizes
               Medical applications: Silicon diodes have been   point out the promising application of this
               used for photon beam dosimetry in the field    specific FZ diode for the commissioning of
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