Page 4 - Panashe_G
P. 4

Project 1

               Cabinet of curiosities: The memory of objects

               It is astonishing to imagine one working with all these objects that they love and come up with

               one final product. This is what is asked of by the brief and this is what was executed. The final
               product is called an assemblage. This is a work of art by grouping together found or unrelated

               objects. Another definition is, an assemblage is an artistic form or medium usually created on a
               defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the
               substrate. It is similar to collage a two-dimensional medium. It is part of visual arts and it

               typically uses found objects, but it is not limited to these materials.

               I used the five objects to make a basketball shrine. I wanted to do something that was linked to
               religion but still involved something that I loved doing which is playing basketball. This first
               assignment was a bit challenging for me because I had never considered myself to be a

               creative before, but it really pushed me and made me work outside my comfort zone. This was
               definitely a good first experience for me and I’m glad I got a chance to unlock that side of me.
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