Page 46 - Microsoft Word - 1_light travels_FOR FLIPBOOK ADJUSTED.docx
P. 46

rolled from the tongue of this leathery barman.
Touched by the wand of evening sun, pocketful of berries, we found our room – smoke trailing over mossy roofs,
shadows of smalls
tattooed along creaky walls.
* Puck: In Rudyard Kipling’s short story 'On the Great Wall' from his collection ‘Puck of Pook’s Hill’ (1906), Puck the elf (who refers to himself as “the oldest thing in history”), pulls Parnesius from another world, to tell the children stories of the Romans’ defense of Hadrian's Wall against the native Picts -- these unconquered wild men were rumoured to have tattooed or painted faces.
* uisge beatha: Gaelic for water of life / whisky

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