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We Provide Reliable Service We Are Able To Produce Up We Supply Superior Quality
To Some Of The Most To 12,000 Tonnes Of Aluminum Extrusions,
Demanding Industries. Aluminium Extrusions Per Fabricated Products And
Annum, Supplying To Both Customized Services.
Local & Overseas
Our Mission Our story started in year 2000 when Splendid Marketing Sdn.
To “Shape your Ideas” by Bhd., a trading and marketing company was founded. Our
assisting our customers in company produced aluminium billets and flat sheets during
exploring possibilities to the first few years.
improve aluminium extrusion
profiles with the latest After several years, our founders soon realized that business
designs, qualities yet cost diversification was vital. Hence, they started venturing into
effective and timely the aluminium extrusion arena to capture its niche market
demand for customizable and innovative extrusion profiles.
They understood how important it was to be flexible to fulfil
their customers‟ needs and this led to the setting up of their
Tool and Die facility in 2003. “It was a tough yet an exciting
journey”, said one of our founders.
Our Vision
To become one of the best In 2006, the company expanded its business into aluminium
fabrication in which New Age Resources was established.
aluminium companies that From providing fabricating aluminium fittings to creating
satisfies our customers' aluminium ladders, it was as if "everything was possible‟.
expectations. We strive to
grow our business by As the demand for aluminium extrusion market started to
developing long-term grow, that was when the founders agreed on the need to set
business relationships with up an aluminium manufacturing company. The global
our customers with integrity financial crisis in 2008 coupled with the lack of workers in the
and sustainability. We will early stages did not slow down the progress of New Age
continue to improve our Aluminium. Our founders learnt from ground up when they
facilities and skills to keep up had to hands-on themselves from sales to production.
with the latest industrial Over the years, New Age Aluminium has managed to
trends and technology. overcome all odds by adopting the approach of dare to “be
bold, be different”. Thus, New Age Aluminium has achieved a
phenomenal growth in less than 10 years.
Today, we pride ourselves as a market leader in customized
aluminium extrusions solutions and our timely fulfilment