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            The foundation of our success is to make use of our planning management control system data which keeps
            track of  our customers' urgent requirement ranging from  drawing confirmations, order  confirmations,
            extrusions, fabrication, surface treatment, quality control and packing.  This enables us to deliver  our
            products efficiently.

             THE DESIGN STAGE                   THE DIE CREATION                   THE EXTRUSION
                                                STAGE                              INITIATION STAGE

             The   first  step  in  our         The design plan takes shape        The    extrusion   process
             customization process is to        when the extrusion engineer        begins once the die is
             visualize, design and create       creates the die to the exact       created and produced and
             the required product shape.        size required.                     the alloy is decided upon.

            Our Range of Solutions

            New Age Aluminium have a complete in house & tool making facilities, the facilities including, Wire Cut
            Machine, EDM Machine, High Precision CNC Milling and Latch Machine as well as QC Faclities

                  Solidworks 3D Cad         Hot Work Steel         Bandsaw Machine         CNC Lathe Machine

              Precision CNC Milling Machine  High Speed Super Drill Machine  Wire Cut Machine  EDM Copper Machining

                   EDM Machine          Surface Grinding Machine     Die Polishing            QC Check
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