Page 4 - SAT AccelePrep_ST_PSAT Supplement.indd
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            Use this PSAT information to     As a high school student, the next signi�icant hurdle for you in reaching
            replace the “Set a Test Score    your academic and career goals is applying to and getting accepted into a
            Target” section on pages 6–7.    college or university. The PSAT/NMSQT test is an important step toward
                                             achieving those goals.

                                             The PSAT/NMSQT test is important for two reasons. First, this test, and the
                                             PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10, will help familiarize you with the standardized-test
                                             taking process. As you prepare for the ACT and/or SAT tests, this testing
                                             experience will increase your knowledge of tested concepts, pacing on
                                             test day, and strategies you can use to achieve the best score possible. The
                                             PSAT tests will also help you set expectations and goals to improve your
                                             performance on this test and on the ACT and SAT tests. You will be able to
                                             see what percentile score you achieved and work toward an even higher
                                             score on the ACT and SAT tests. To begin the process of setting a test score
                                             goal, �ill in your pre-assessment scores in the table on the next page.

                                             As you use these scores to make a plan for improvement throughout this
                                             course, remember that if you had a bad test day (for example, if you were
                                             ill or distracted by personal problems), your scores may not be re�lective
                                             of your true abilities. Be sure to take this into account as you set a goal for
                                             your post-assessment and your real PSAT test.

                                             Second, the PSAT/NMSQT test is the qualifying test for the National Merit
                                             Scholarship and several other scholarships and awards. The chart on the
                                             next page outlines scholarships and awards made available through the
                                             PSAT/NMSQT test.
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