Page 13 - 노재순 작가 e-작품집
P. 13

image is realistic, so it can be called a transformation of realism. However, in the content, it is far from realism in that it
                                   not only uses the formative language of modern aesthetics, but also expresses the inner world through techniques such
                                   as allusion, metaphor, and symbolism.

                                   Nevertheless, it is clear that realism also has a certain stake. No, if it is limited to visual images, it can be said that it is
                                   a compromise between fact and abstraction, but looking at both form and content, it tends to be a modern painting.
                                   The combination of two opposing images implied by lips and graffiti is a method that satisfies the two requirements
                                   of content as well as the establishment of an individual form. In other words, the visual image created by lips enlarged
                                   enough to press the gaze is effective in responding to individual formal beauty and at the same time containing content.
                                   In other words, the image of the lips leads the form, and the image of the complex graffiti in the background guides the
                                   content. This is a formal characteristic that can be recognized enough just by examining it carefully without explaining it.
                                   We can't help but agree that lips are a fascinating material that catches the eye more than any other material. Aside
                                   from the form and content, it is attractive and beautiful enough just for its visual attraction that catches the eye. Before
                                   listing the various sociological meanings of the lips, it is the lips that already possess the magic of attracting attention
                                   and stealing emotions. Nevertheless, perhaps it is because of the sensual image that stimulates the erotic imagination,
                                   or the lips become the subject of a painting, and there are few cases where they are involved in the beauty of form. He is

                                                                Drawing / 55.0x25.0cm_2020_Pencil on paper
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