Page 28 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 28

NEWS                                                                                                                     RAF

                                  FIRST TIME AERO ASIA                                                                                                    TRY THE LANCASTER

                 esse Friedrichshafen and Zhu-
       Mhai Airshow Co have co-oper-
        ated to create a new and leading business
        and general aviation show for China and

        Southeast Asia - AERO Asia.
         The show has been supported by the Asian

        Business Aviation Association (AsBAA). This

        means with AERO ASIA Zhuhai, the province
        of Guangdong will now have a second avia-

        tion show besides Airshow China. The event
        will take place in alternating years with the

        first AERO ASIA to be held on 28-31 October
        2021 at Zhuhai international air show centre.

         "This show is different from Airshow
        China in market positioning. AERO ASIA is

        a new and perfect compliment to our avia-

        tion show portfolio, a matchmaker that will   over 40 years of experience. On the other   is a perfect hub for Southeast Asia.”

        serve the booming general aviation indus-  hand, Airshow China is China’s biggest air   This statement is underlined by the sup-
        tries in China and Asia as a whole,” said Sun   show with a history of 12 sessions since   port of AsBAA - the Asian Business Aviation

        Jiefeng, chairman of Zhuhai Airshow Co.  1996 and is a leading air show in the world.  Association. "With AERO ASIA being an air

         "The co-operation underlines the    "The step is a further milestone of our AERO   show that truly focuses on general aviation,

        worldwide high estimated reputation of   family. After AERO South Africa in 2019 we   we are convinced that it will offer our mem-

        our brand and our extensive experience in   have now expanded the brand to China - the   bers new and exciting business opportuni-

        this sector” said Klaus Wellmann, CEO of   most interesting general aviation market for   ties,” said Jeff Chiang, COO of AsBAA.

        Messe Friedrichshafen.             the future,” said Roland Bosch, head of AERO.   AERO ASIA will bring together the entire

         AERO ASIA has a clear strategic objective:   "We are happy to co-operate with the   general aviation world. It is aimed at moti-

        to become the leading business and general   highly experienced Zhuhai team,” said   vated buyers actively seeking to purchase

        aviation show for China and Southeast Asia.   Ludwig Meier, chairman of Messe Fried-  the latest technology along with key decision                         participating in the Lancaster Challenge   The Armed Forces Community are also

         For this purpose, the two most successful   richshafen Shanghai, who co-ordinates all   makers from across the industry. Organised                         and we hope families, participants from our   showing their support for the challenge

        and experienced shows came together:   company activities for China.   to the highest standards, it will offer the            he Royal Air Force Museum is strid-  previous challenge events, along with our   with more than 400 Armed Forces Person-
        AERO and Airshow China. AERO, organised   "The location and the infrastructure are   greatest added value for all stakeholders.  Ting into the New Year with a brand-  friends in the RAF and partner organisations   nel already taking part.

        in Friedrichshafen, Germany, is the world’s   perfect for an aviation show and Zhuhai is   For more information go to http://www.  new virtual challenge, where participants   will join us.  Support from our Challengers   Participants can stay connected and

        leading general aviation business show with   well-known in the industry. Additionally, it to find out more details. Q  can join the race and received a medal.  enables us to keep the doors of our Muse-  make new friends as they complete the

                                                                                                                                  Choose whether you want to complete   ums open for all generations to enjoy.”  Challenge by joining the RAF Museum
                                                                                                                                80, 150 or even 500 kilometres and do it   RAF museum London public events manag-  Virtual Running Group on Facebook.  Meet
                NEWS                                                                                                            all online.                         er, Ella Hewitt said, “The Lancaster Challenge   other Challengers, share your progress and

                                                                                                                                  While registrations have already opened   was due to start on the 2 March, 79 years   ask fellow participants for advice. However

                                                                                                                                on 9 January 2021 - exactly 80 years since   since the Lancaster’s first mission with the   you choose to complete the challenge, the
                                  GROWTH IN MALTA                                                                               the first test flight of the Avro Lancaster   RAF, but we want to keep people motivated   Museum would love to hear from you! Tag

                                                                                                                                                                                                       @rafmuseum in your photos on Facebook,
                                                                                                                                                                    and moving in lockdown, so you can begin

                                                                                                                                – participants can complete the challenge

                                                                                                                                from anywhere in the world.         the challenge as soon as you sign up.  Twitter and Instagram or with #Lancaster-
                                                                                                                                  Walk off the Christmas calories, get out-  “This year’s bespoke medal design   Challenge2021.

                                            advise on FSTD national approvals and   service to the Maltese aviation industry    doors, run, hike, swim, cycle or row your   features the Lancaster, arguably the most   Limited edition Lancaster Challenge

                                            make recommendations on applying   and the two million-plus tourists from           way to the finish line.             famous, and certainly the most successful   T-shirts are also available to purchase when

                 AA International (CAAi), the   EASA standards. CAAi has also been   across the world that typically visit the    Participants will have access to a down-  heavy bomber operated by the RAF during   registering online.  The souvenir T-shirts

           Ctechnical co-operati on arm     assigned to carry out a training needs   beautiful islands of Malta each year.”     loadable log sheet to record their distance   the Second World War.    cost £14.00 and will be delivered with your

           of the UK Civil Aviation Authority (UK   analysis of FSTD inspectorate staff     Captain Charles Pace, director general   and then receive an exclusive, Lancaster   With an impressive performance and ex-  medal following the end of the challenge.

           CAA), has been awarded an extensive   and roll out a series of professional   for Civil Aviation in Malta said that the   Challenge medal when the competition   cellent flying characteristics, the Lancaster   Consider fundraising for the RAF Museum

           framework contract to deliver flight   development training programmes to   agreement would allow the Civil Avia-    closes on 17 May – co-inciding with the   soon established its superiority over its   and pledge to raise £80 and receive your

                                            support the sustainable growth and

           simulator training device (FSTD) evalu-  development of Transport Malta’s FSTD   tion Directorate within Transport Malta   anniversary of ‘Operation Chastise’ or as   rivals. Indeed, it was described by Marshal   souvenir Lancaster Challenge t-shirt for

           ations and training services to the Civil   regulatory competencies.  to increase efficiency by adding to their      the Dambusters Raid.                of the RAF, Sir Arthur Harris, command-  free, delivered with your medal at the end

                                                                             team, the years of experience and ex-
           Aviation Directorate of Transport Malta.  Maria Rueda, CAAi managing director   pertise of the UK CAAi inspectors.     RAF museum CEO Maggie Appleton said,   er-in-chief of bomber command, as ‘the   of the challenge.

                                                                                                                                                                    greatest single factor in winning the war’.

             The two-year contract will provide   said, “We are delighted to announce the   “We are absolutely delighted with the   “During these difficult times, looking after                         Starting your fundraising could not be

                                                                                                                                                                     The Lancaster on display at RAF Museum
           Transport Malta with access to a wider   first of several new strategic partnerships   agreement and are eager to work hand   our mental and physical health is important   London, known as S for ‘Sugar’ has a dis-  simpler, select the sponsorship option

                                                                                                                                                                                                       when signing up online and head to our
           range of regulatory capabilities to   with our regulatory counterparts in the   in hand on various projects in a spirit of   for us all.  Key to planning our recovery   tinguished operational record having flown   Lancaster Challenge JustGiving page.  Once

           support the rapid growth in Malta’s   European Union. As Malta’s civil aviation   cooperation and collaboration. There   during the next few weeks and months is                            you have set up your JustGiving page, our

           international aircraft register.  sector continues to grow exponentially,   has always been a very good relation-    that we concentrate more than ever on   139 missions during the Second World War.   team will be in touch with some handy tips

             Under the agreement, CAAi will assist   we look forward to working with Trans-  ship with our UK counterparts, and we   looking after ourselves and each other and   Within the first 48 hours of registrations   to kick start your fundraising.

           Transport Malta with the evaluation of   port Malta to enhance its FSTD regulatory   are confident that the agreement will   that is why we are encouraging all our staff   opening, more than 1,850 people signed up to

                                                                                                                                                                                                         To register visit  Entry

           Maltese Flight Simulator Training Devices.   capability. Together, we are fully commit-  be extremely beneficial to both par-  to take time-out of their day, while working   participate. Entries have been received from   costs £20 per person, additional booking

                                                                                                                                                                    across the globe, including Australia, New Zea-

             Regulators from the UK CAA will   ted to delivering a first-class regulatory   ties,” he said. Q                   from home, to get outdoors and enjoy   land, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Canada,   and postage charges apply for overseas

                                                                                                                                some daily exercise.

                                                                                                                                  “Our staff will be leading the way by   America, Singapore and Thailand.  participants. Q

                                                 World Airnews | February 2021                                                                                            World Airnews | February 2021
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