Page 49 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 49


                                   HAI HELI-EXPO DATES MOVED

                                             contacted us supported holding Expo as   that our industry has demonstrated
                                             long as health and safety protocols   throughout this pandemic will help our
           The Helicopter Association        were in place. We took extraordinary   businesses and individuals persevere and
           International (HAI) has decided to cancel   steps, working with our partners in New   strengthen.”
           HAI HELI-EXPO 2021.               Orleans, to be able to conduct a safe   HAI is beginning to reach out to exhib-
             Going forward the association will   event.”                      itors, attendees, vendors, and other HAI
           redirect its efforts to producing HAI   As a mid-January deadline for exhibitors   HELI-EXPO 2021 stakeholders. Exhibitors
           HELI-EXPO 2022, which will be held on   approached, the world also saw a spike   have multiple options for their booth
           March 7–10 in Dallas, Texas, a city that   in COVID-19 cases. “Pandemic conditions   payments, including pushing participation
           has traditionally been a hub of rotorcraft   have changed, and the majority of our   and payment to the 2022 show in Dallas,
           operations.                       stakeholders have recently expressed   repurposing dollars to other HAI adver-
             HAI HELI-EXPO has long served as a   discomfort with the logistics involved in   tising or sponsorship opportunities to
           venue where the international VTOL   business travel at this time,” Viola said.   support their business objectives in 2021,
           industry annually gathers - to connect,   “In response, we concluded that we   or issue of a full refund.
           learn, and conduct (US) $2 billion in   had to cancel HAI HELI-EXPO 2021. We’re   Registered attendees will receive a full
           business.                         grateful for the honest feedback that we   refund, as will those who registered for
             “Please understand that we did not   received from our members, exhibitors,   HAI Professional Education courses. Our
           make this decision lightly,” said James   attendees, and other stakeholders.   housing vendor, OnPeak, will cancel all
           Viola, president and CEO of HAI.   “Like many others during this past year,   hotel reservations booked within the HAI
             “HAI is here to support our members   we have had to adjust course in response   block.
           and customers. Leading up to mid-Janu-  to changing conditions,” said Viola.   More information on those options can
           ary, the majority of industry voices who   “HAI firmly believes that the flexibility   be found at Q

                  NEWS DIGITAL

                                   IATA APPOINTMENT FOR AFRICA

                                   AND MIDDLE EAST

                                              “Muhammad has re-in forced IATA strong   crew safe during the pandemic and
                                            presence in the AME region. As he moves   beyond,” said Al-Awadhi.
         The International Air Transport    to take on the challenges of leading our   A national of Kuwait, Al-Awadhi holds
          Association has announced that Kamil   CFDS activities, Muhammad will leave   an MBA in aerospace management from
          H. Al-Awadhi will be IATA’s regional vice   in place a strong team for the capable   the Toulouse Business School and an
          president for Africa and Middle East   leadership of Kamil.          engineering degree in aircraft maintenance
                                              “Kamil is an industry veteran who brings
          effective 1 March 2021.           a tremendous depth of airline expertise   management from Air Service Training
           Al-Awadhi succeeds Muhammad Albakri   and regional experience. These will be   (AST) in the UK. Q
          who will become IATA senior vice-president   critical in leading IATA activities in the AME
          for customer, financial and digital services   region at this very challenging time. As a
          (CFDS), also effective 1 March 2021.   former CEO, he knows what member air-
           As previously announced, Albakri will   lines expect of IATA. And, I have no doubt
          replace Aleks Popovich in the CFDS role   that Kamil has the skills and determination
          upon his retirement.              to exceed those expectations as we aim to
           Most recently, Al-Awadhi was CEO of   reconnect the world amid the coronavirus
          Kuwait Airways, a responsibility he held   pandemic,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA
          from November 2018 through August 2020.   director general and CEO.
          That capped a 31-year career at Kuwait   “I look forward to getting started at IATA.
          Airways during which his positions included   Like all regions, AME will need a strong
          deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer.   air transport industry to kick-start the
           Al-Awadhi has also held several positions   economic recovery from COVID-19.
          in the areas of safety, security, quality   “The priority to revive aviation is clear
          management and enterprise resource   and IATA is at the centre of this effort.
          planning.                         There is no time to waste. We must help
           At IATA, Al-Awadhi will lead the   governments to re-open borders without
          association’s activities across AME from its   quarantine and we need to ensure that
          regional office in Amman, Jordan. He will   the industry is ready to safely scale-up
          report to the IATA director general and CEO   operations and implement the global
          and join the IATA strategic leadership team.   standards that will keep passenger and

                                                 World Airnews | February Extra 2021
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