Page 44 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 44


                                  SUPER SONIC PATH CLEARED

                                           the information or

                                           closely examining the
              he FAA took another step toward   environmental impacts
        Tfacilitati ng the development of civil   on a proposed test area
        supersonic aircraft with the release of a   in determining whether

        final rule today that clarifies procedures for   to grant a particular

        obtaining special flight authorisations for   special flight authorisa-

        flight testing beyond Mach 1.      tion,” the agency said.

         Adopted largely as proposed in June   “The language was
        2019, the final rule outlines the informa-  also not intended to

        tion needed for applications of special   imply shifting the bur-

        flight authorisation and designates the   den of complying with

        FAA programme office that will process   NEPA to the applicant          However, in simplifying the approach for

        those applications. It also creates a more   rather than the FAA.”     special issuance applications, the agency
        “user-friendly” format, the agency said.   According to the FAA, a number of   is helping pave a path toward the return of

         The rule further recognises that super-  requests in comments surrounding the   civil supersonic flight. It is one of several
        sonic flight testing could be used to gather   ability for more than one programme to   steps the FAA is taking, including working

        noise data. However, the rule does not lift   use a designated test site were received.   with international regulators, as well as

        the ban on supersonic flight over land.   In response, the FAA said the application   developing a separate rule making alto-

         Nor does it represent a policy change;   process provides latitude for requesting   gether regarding take-off and landing noise
                                                                               certification standards.

        instead, the rule streamlines and simplifies   such test sites and added regulations do

        access to the various information necessary   not limit a flight test area to one applicant.   “This is a significant step toward reintro-

        for special flight authorisations.  However, each applicant is expected to   ducing civil supersonic flight and demon-
                                                                               strates the [Transportation] department’s

         The FAA did revise language in the   submit its own environmental information

        final rule involving the environmental   regarding a test site. That comes as the FAA   commitment to safe innovation,” said US
                                                                               transportation secretary Elaine Chao.

        review process. It had originally proposed   has reached an agreement with the state of
        language to clarify information necessary   Kansas, in the US, establishing a supersonic   “The FAA supports the new development

        for the FAA to make a National Environ-  flight-test corridor.         of supersonic aircraft as long as safety pa-
        mental Policy Act (NEPA) determination.   Meanwhile, the agency dismissed more   rameters are followed,” said FAA adminis-

        However, after receiving comments, the   general opposition from environmental   trator Steve Dickson.

        agency found the language actually gen-  groups and certain municipalities about   “The testing of supersonic aircraft at

        erated confusion.                  possible harm supersonic operations could   Mach 1 will only be conducted following

         “The proposed language providing more   have on the environment. These arguments   consideration of any impact to the environ-
        detail about what an applicant could   are outside the scope of the rule, the FAA   ment.” Q

        submit was not intended to imply that FAA   maintained, adding the final rule does not   Article courtesy of https://www.ainonline.

        would forego independently evaluating   permit regular supersonic operations.  com/aviation-news/business-aviation/

                                     500TH DA40 NG

                 iamond Aircraft Industries
          DGmbH has built the 500th
           single-engine DA40 NG at their Austrian
           headquarters in Wiener Neustadt.
            “This is a very exciting milestone for

           Diamond Aircraft. The DA40 NG is the

           ideal aircraft for both private pilots and

           flight training operators globally. She

           offers a superb balance of performance

           and efficiency while being very reliable

           and durable. Congratulations to the proud

           new customer of this jubilee DA40 NG,”   It offers a combination of modern and   worldwide service, a big number of

           said Reinhard Schwaiger, team leader civil   safe composite structure, advanced   those in high utilisation commercial fleet

           aircraft sales at Diamond Aircraft Austria.  Garmin G1000 NXi glass cockpit, sophis-  operations, the DA40 fleet is providing its

            The DA40 NG powered with the 168hp   ticated EECU controlled jet-fuel engine,   durability and safety, day in and day out.

           AUSTRO AE300 jet-fuel engine received   remarkable fuel-efficiency, excellent   Diamond Aircraft is proud of a long DA40

           EASA certification in April 2010. The sin-  flight characteristics and a panoramic   NG customer list of renowned fleet oper-

           gle piston engine aircraft is an all-round   canopy with excellent views.  ators, airlines, aero clubs and loyal private
           practical and versatile multi use four seat   With over 2,200 DA40s - all types - in   owners in its Diamond Aircraft Family. Q

           airplane for the 21st century.
                                                 World Airnews | February 2021
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