Page 42 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 42


                                                                 Global flows are all massively down as Figures 7 shows

       2021 OUTLOOK                         Scenario 1, the most optimistic (Vaccine   vaccines having started, it will take time,

       2020 ended with total traffic -55% of 2019,   widely, not partially, available for travel-  but there should be steady progress by

       closing the year with a 7-day daily average   lers, or pandemic end, by summer 2021),   summer 2021. This will have a positive

       that stood at 62.4% lower than the same   predicts that traffic will only return to 2019   impact on European aviation. And it can be

       period in 2019. However, this is far worse   levels by 2024.            enhanced if action is taken on a number of

       than the first traffic outlook produced   However, despite multiple vaccines on   core issues. These include:

       in April, which had predicted that traffic   or close to market, this looks less realistic:   •  Vaccines are here now but will take

       would recover by year-end to -20% of 2019   some vaccines remain in the regulatory   considerable time to roll out. As per
       levels. This had been based on the pandem-  approval stage, and vaccine rollout is un-  the most likely Scenario (no. 2) of
       ic coming under control and did not take   likely to be complete across all population   EUROCONTROL’s STATFOR Forecast,

       into account the un-coordinated responses   sectors and countries for quite some time.   European traffic in 2021 will still only

       by countries as they restored restrictions   Least likely, based on current develop-  be at 51% of 2019 levels, which will

       after the summer, as well as further waves   ments, is Scenario 3 (Vaccine not effective:   continue to have a devastating impact

       of the virus.                       lingering infection and low passenger con-  on the entire industry, where direct

         We are currently on course for Scenario   fidence), which envisages a much slower   European job losses for 2020 are esti-

       2 (Vaccine widely, not partially, available   recovery with traffic only returning to 2019   mated at 191,000.

       for travellers, or pandemic end, by summer   levels by 2029.             •  As a result, substantial failures will
       2022), which predicts a return in 2021 to 51%   However, even in the most optimistic of   occur in 2021, highlighting the need

       of 2019 traffic volumes or 5.64 million flights.  these scenarios, traffic will only return to close   for financial support to the entire

         Under this scenario, traffic returns to 92%   to 2019 levels in 2024 (92% of 2019), which   industry. In 2020, the vast majority of

       of 2019 volumes by 2024, or 10.24 million   highlights the importance of concentrating   State support was allocated to airlines,

       flights, with 2019 levels only reached fully   efforts, as traffic slowly recovers, on how the   typically legacy/scheduled carriers;

       by 2026. This factors in likely progressive   entire system can be ‘built back better’.  State support is needed to support the

       vaccine deployment across Europe over the                                  wider aviation value chain, especially
       year, but not yet reaching full coverage/  CONCLUSIONS & OUTLOOK           the airport community.
       disappearance of COVID-19.          With 2020 behind and the rollout of   •  Airlines and airports need clarity on
          European Aviation: 2020 Headline Impacts
          1.  €56.2 billion net losses for airlines, airports & ANSPs   •  0.9 million flights less in France (-54%)

          2.  1.7 billion fewer passengers                      •  0.8 million flights less in Italy (-60%)

          3.  Massive negative impacts on European flights:   5.  Leading aviation groups down by 53%-67%:
             •  5.0 million flights 2020 vs 11.1 million 2019 = annual   •  Lufthansa Group -67% daily average flights (2020: 1,102

                loss of 6.1 million flights                        flights, 2019: 3,295)

             •  intra-European traffic 54% down                 •  Ryanair -59% flights (2020: 951, 2019: 2,323)

             •  Europe-Rest of the World traffic 59% down       •  Air France-KLM -55% flights (2020: 920, 2019: 2,053)

             •  low-cost carrier flights 62% down               •  IAG -65% flights (2020: 825, 2019: 2,342)

             •  scheduled carrier flights 59% down              •  Turkish Airlines flights -53% (2020: 626, 2019: 1,331)

          4.  Markets down by 40%-73%:                          •  easyJet -67% flights (2020: 547, 2019: 1,671)

             •  1.3 million flights less in the UK (-61%)    6.  51% of aircraft in Europe grounded at year-end (4,118 of

             •  1.2 million flights less in Germany (-56%)      8,048 airframes)

             •  1.0 million flights less in Spain (-61%)     7.  191,000 announced direct job losses in Europe

                                                 World Airnews | February 2021
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