Page 55 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 55


                                                                MAGNIX MOVES

                                            Washington as their initial manufacturing   “Washington’s aerospace sector
                                            location,” said Lisa Brown, director of the   continues to attract some of the most
         Snohomish County’s airspace is     state department of commerce.      innovative companies in the world,” Inslee
          beginning to hum - ever so quietly - with   Boeing’s massive assembly factory and   said in a statement.
          new electricity.                  the roar of jet-fuelled engines are just   “magniX is moving the industry into the
           Two aerospace companies, both working   down the road.              clean energy future, and we’re looking
          to develop fully electric aircraft, have   It’s a comforting backdrop for an   forward to watching them succeed and
          moved in.                         aerospace company, but magniX is focused   The new headquarters also puts magniX
           The county could become the centre of   on developing electric propulsion systems   closer to its sister company, Eviation, which
          aviation’s next electrifying advance.  for shorter-range commuter flights of less   recently opened a manufacturing facility in
           magniX, which is building electric motors   than 500 miles and small, commercial   Arlington.
          to power aircraft, has consolidated its   aircraft that carry 10, 12 or 20 passengers.  Both companies are subsidiaries of the
          Redmond headquarters and a research   That’s a potentially lucrative niche   Clermont Group, a private investment firm
          facility in Australia under one roof, a   considering that 45% of all scheduled   based in Singapore.
          44,000-square-foot building near Paine   commercial flights are 500 miles or less,
          Field.                            according to OAG, an aviation and travel   In Arlington, Eviation is developing an
           The new Everett location on Seaway   data firm.                     electric commuter airplane that can carry
          Boulevard will serve as the company’s   “We’re talking about a 225-mile flight   nine passengers and two crew members,
                                                                               with a target range of up 500 miles.
          headquarters and as a facility for design,   from Everett to Spokane, or a 250-mile   Alice - that’s the model’s name - would be
          engineering and manufacturing, said Roei   flight from Seattle to Pullman,” said   powered by three magniX electric motors
          Ganzarski, CEO of magniX.         Ganzarski, who often drives to Pullman to   connected to a lithium battery pack,
           In Arlington, Eviation is building a   visit his daughter because spur-of-the-mo-  according to the company’s website.
          nine-passenger commuter airplane from   ment scheduled flights can cost a bundle.  magniX and Eviation fit neatly into the
          scratch. It’s specifically designed around   As for large passenger jets becoming   green technology category.
          magniX’s electric propulsion system.  plug-ins, it will be decades before you’ll fly
           The two companies are working together.   a fully electric airplane from Seattle to New   They are among a growing number of
          Ganzarski is Eviation’s chairman of the   York, Ganzarski said.      firms, including a score of electric aircraft
                                                                               developers, whose innovations could help
          board.                              “It will be 30 or 40 years before that   reduce the aviation industry’s carbon
           “This is a very aero-centric county,” said   happens.”              footprint. The Environmental Protection
          Ganzarski from inside the company’s new                              Agency reports that aviation is responsible
          Everett headquarters, painted charcoal   STATE INCENTIVE             for 9% of transportation emissions in the
          and red to match the company’s flying “m”   magniX received (US) $350,000 from the   United States and 3% of
          logo.                             governor’s Strategic Reserve Fund to help   the nation’s greenhouse
           “Boeing is here, new college graduates   with the move.             gas production.
          are here, our suppliers are here. This   The incentive programme is competitive   Reducing carbon
          location gives us space to grow.”  and can be used for workforce develop-  emission is a worthy
           magniX is investing (US) $2.8 million in   ment, technical or planning assistance, or   goal, but the company’s
          the new location and plans to boost its   relocation assistance. The governor has the   number one priority is   Turn to page 9
          employee roster from 50 to 70.    final say on the funds’ distribution.  making a business case
           “We are thrilled they have chosen   Gov. Jay Inslee gave magniX the OK.  for its products and

                                                World Airnews | February Extra 2021
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