Page 60 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 60


                                   OPINION: HOW THE PURPOSE OF

                                   AIR SHOWS IS MISINTERPRETED

                                                                                      By Richard Aboulafia

                                                              changes. These discussions also are far removed from news the
                                                              public sees about Airline X ordering another 20 jetliners.
         To paraphrase an advertising industry saying, half of all air   Perhaps we do know which air show spending might be wasted:
         show spending is wasted, but nobody knows which half.  those jetliner sales announcements. And they are probably
           I am a fan of air shows, but I understand why to some they seem   not anything like half of the business actually conducted at air
         like lavish relics of a pre-Zoom/pre-COVID-19 age. The Le Bourget   shows. But since these announcements serve a greater common
         site and other air shows might have an image problem: The public   good—celebrating aviation as a mainstay of the world economy
         associates them with flashy announcements of jetliner orders   and as a fun activity—they are not really wasted, either. Even from
         that were negotiated beforehand and followed by expensive,   a noncommunal-good standpoint, these events build brand equity,
         well-catered receptions. But the perception that this comprises the   if only in nonquantifiable ways.
         bulk of air show business is incorrect.               The debate over air shows mirrors the broader debate over the
           In reality, most business is conducted in the enormous halls and   future of business travel. Some believe business travel will not
         smaller chalets, where system suppliers promote their displays,   regain its previous levels or at least its previous growth rates. This
         power units and controls for future applications. Or where smaller   view posits that new video technologies, along with the stay-at-
         suppliers promote their gaskets, fasteners and coolants for those   home habits and slashed budgets brought on by the pandemic, will
         systems. Or where the world’s states, prefectures and provinces   stay in place, perhaps forever.
         promote themselves as ideal sites for building all this equipment.   But we need to distinguish between intra-company travel and
         Or where all the people who maintain these aircraft and systems   customer-facing travel. The former might decline as a result of the
         promote their services.                              pandemic and new technologies coming into greater use. But cus-
           In short, air shows are primarily about the enormous and   tomer-facing travel—the strong majority of all business travel—is
         intricate industry that creates ever-improving platforms and   different, and air shows are basically 100% customer-facing travel.
         systems. Smart people in my line of work focus heavily on the   The truth is that competition continues unabated among primes,
         supply chain for a good reason. The white-hot competition behind   suppliers and people. When there are no air shows and there is
         constantly improving avionics, materials, engines and systems   little or no business travel, it is easy to say that your company, or
         produces most of the technological innovation and value added   you, will not travel as much anymore. But when shows resume
         in aviation manufacturing. Airbus’ and Boeing’s jetliner revenues   and travel starts up again, if your company tries to sell, market or
         are just a fraction of the supplier and aftermarket companies’ total   network via remote video conferences, and your competitor shows
         output.                                              up in person, your rival will have a strong advantage.
           All that supplier innovation helps transform old platforms. A 2021   For customer-facing business travel, the future is simple. Many
         Airbus A320neo looks a lot like a 1987 A320, but it burns much   businesses will explain their plan to cut costs (and enhance profits)
         less fuel, is much easier to maintain and pollutes less, too. The   by cutting back on travel expenses, including air shows. They then
         equipment that made those improvements possible was discussed,   will find themselves losing market share. And individuals—exec-
         marketed and rolled out at air shows. The industrial partnerships   utives, salespeople, consultants—who do not show up in front of
         and investments behind this equipment might have been lined up   customers or at air shows will lose relevance. As noted philosopher
         at air shows, too.                                   and former professional boxer Mike Tyson once said: Everyone has
           The supply chain also is where company fortunes (and owner-  a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
         ship) change most quickly. Air shows provide opportunities for   The views expressed are not necessarily those of Aviation Week.
         executives and investors to discuss mergers, divestitures and other   Article courtesy: . Q

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