Page 61 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 61


                                          ROYAL DUTCH SHELL

                                                                  Shell pulls out of joint venture to build
                                                              UK sustainable jet fuels plant Withdrawal

                                                                a blow to Boris Johnson’s desire for UK
                                                                to achieve first zero-emission long-haul

                                                                     Gwyn Topham and Jillian Ambrose

                                            of sustainable fuels. The airline shelved   potential sources of finance for the project,
                                            a proposed waste-to-fuel factory in   which was well placed to achieve significant
         Shell has pulled out of a joint venture   Thurrock, Essex, which was due to open   government funding.
          with British Airways and Velocys to build   in 2017, blaming a lack of government   BA’s parent company, IAG, was the first
          a flagship sustainable jet fuels plant in the   support.             airline group to pledge that its operations
          UK - in a blow to Boris Johnson’s claims   Shell’s head of new fuels, Matthew   would become net zero by 2050, albeit
          that Britain could deliver the world’s first   Tipper, said the oil company was “pursuing   largely through offsetting.
          zero-emission long-haul flight.   multiple opportunities across our global   BA’s chief executive, Sean Doyle, said
           The oil firm was named last year as one   portfolio”.               “Sustainable aviation fuel is vital to the
          of the top companies set to “turbocharge   “On this occasion, we have decided to   decarbonisation of aviation and to helping
          government plans” for sustainable aviation   focus our resources on other lower-carbon   us achieve our net zero target. We are
          fuels, the centrepiece of the so-called “jet   fuels opportunities which leverage our own   excited to continue to work with Velocys,
          zero” plan to decarbonise flights.  technology. We will continue to work with   with the support of government and other
           Shell said it would leave the Altalto proj-  the aviation industry and the UK govern-  private-sector partners.”
          ect, to be built in Immingham, Humberside,   ment, as part of the jet zero council, to help   Velocys said it was looking forward to
          days after the company agreed to join a   decarbonise UK aviation,” he said.  moving to the next stage of development
          project in Canada which plans to produce   Shell announced plans earlier this   this year. The chief executive, Henrik
          more than double the green fuel from less   month to take a 40% interest in the   Wareborn said, “Altalto Immingham is
          than half the waste.              Varennes Carbon Recycling project, the   ready to take advantage of the strong push
           Shell’s departure was by mutual consent,   first waste-to-low-carbon-fuels plant in   from both government and industry for
          and the project would continue “according   Quebec, which will use Montreal-based   the decarbonisation of aviation, especially
          to its existing development plan”, the three   cleantech company Enerkem’s proprietary   using waste feedstocks.”
          parties behind the project said.   technology.                         While manufacturers have said that
           Immingham could begin supplying its   The pair plan to treat more than 200,000   hybrid-electric, or even hydrogen, short-
          first aviation fuel from non-recyclable   tonnes of non-recyclable and wood waste   haul commercial passenger jets could be
          household waste within five ye    annually to produce nearly 125m litres of   feasible by 2035, long-haul net zero flights,
           But Shell’s decision to exit the UK’s   low carbon fuels to help cut emissions from   if possible, are assumed to depend on
          burgeoning green fuels industry is likely   Canada’s transport industries.   sustainable jet fuels. Q
          to compound scepticism over Johnson’s   The UK’s Immingham Altalto project   • This article was amended on 20 January
          promise that Britain would be in the “van-  will use 500,000 tonnes of household and   2021 to clarify that the Varennes Carbon
          guard of green innovation” by pioneering   municipal waste to make 60m litres a year   Recycling project and the Immingham
          zero-emission transatlantic flight.  of higher-grade kerosene jet fuel.  Altalto project use different types of waste
           The departure comes after a number of   Velocys and BA said they had been   products, and produce different types of
          false starts for BA’s plans for UK production   in talks for several months with other   fuels.

                                                World Airnews | February Extra 2021
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